Ian and Barbara not ageing since the 60s

The first Doctor didn't know how to pilot the TARDIS.

Their immortality is probably because of something stupid and dangerous he did which he shouldn't have, and since learned better..
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What pissed me off most about that throwaway line was that it almost dashes my hopes that we'll get a story about the Doctor visiting Ian on his death bed.

Also why haven't any of the other companions experienced the same such "side-effects" of travelling with the Doctor?

Jo could have used a good dose of TARDIS travelling.

Well didn't Ian and Barb return to their time via the Dalek ship, rather than the Tardis?

Daleks, notoriously lax when it comes to health and safety...
The line is that it's *rumoured* that they haven't aged - and Sarah gives a knowing smile, while suggests she doesn't believe it. And even if she did - it's a *rumour* and doesn't have to be true.

Quite aside from the fact that, as time travellers, their young selves could have visited the 21st century enough times to cause such a rumour...
Anyone read The Time Travellers, by Simon Guerrier? According to that, prior to the First Doctor defeating WOTAN in the late sixties in The War Machines, Ian and Barbara's 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s were totally different to how they went for everyone else. So even if they had visited Earth in the 21st century, no one would remember it now anyway, because those events would have been part of a redundant timeline.
Anyone read The Time Travellers, by Simon Guerrier? According to that, prior to the First Doctor defeating WOTAN in the late sixties in The War Machines, Ian and Barbara's 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s were totally different to how they went for everyone else. So even if they had visited Earth in the 21st century, no one would remember it now anyway, because those events would have been part of a redundant timeline.

Great book (hard to get), very different slate on Time-travel that we've seen in other places but it's not on-screen so it never happened.
Anyone read The Time Travellers, by Simon Guerrier? According to that, prior to the First Doctor defeating WOTAN in the late sixties in The War Machines, Ian and Barbara's 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s were totally different to how they went for everyone else. So even if they had visited Earth in the 21st century, no one would remember it now anyway, because those events would have been part of a redundant timeline.

Great book (hard to get), very different slate on Time-travel that we've seen in other places but it's not on-screen so it never happened.

Yes, but it's simply too good to ignore, IMO. I consider it a part of my personal continuity.
What about planet of the Giants? The Front Door Opened during flight and the lot of them got exposed to the Vortex.
Why would there be a media fuss? Theres an old professor at Cambridge whos been living in the same quarters for the last several centuries, yet he's never turned up on the cover of the Daily Fail...err...Mail. Just a matter of keeping a low profile.
That bugger was forever old.

Forever youthful is harder to hide.

Have you seen the Man From Earth?

But we all understand that this is a setup for next season?

Clyde is going to bite off more than he can chew...

And Ian and Barbara are going to save the day.
Shit...maybe Jack isn't Boe...maybe it's Ian (or even Barbara, Boe gave birth after all...I'm not sure how but let's not think about that too much!)
Right now the technology exists for men if they want to, or they're forced (leveraged) to carry their/a child for the final trimester.

But that does mean three c-sections. Out, in and out again.

Google it.

I'm more amused to wonder if humans all mutate in the same manner when forced to live for millions of years. Ian and Barabara may not look like Bo after a million years and they might not look like each other as a species either.
It would only turn into a media fuss if a group of people were observant enough to point out that Ian and Barbara hadn't been aging for a significant period of time, and those people would have had to known enough to make an observation of this type. So I disagree that it would be a media sensation.
It would only turn into a media fuss if a group of people were observant enough to point out that Ian and Barbara hadn't been aging for a significant period of time, and those people would have had to known enough to make an observation of this type. So I disagree that it would be a media sensation.
Yea, look at Raquel Welch, she looks the same as she did in her Mork and Mindy appearance back in 1979, she's 70 now, but, still looks 40. You don't see anyone trying to disect her.
Also money comes into factor here. If those said people are interested in making a buck or two and sell their story on Ian and Babs not aging then maybe it has a chance of becoming a sensation.
I vaguely remember a classic episode where they receive some sort of medical treatment and they joked it could make them immortal. But it seemed to do nothing, so they laughed it off.
Looking back at the episode list, if it was a result on an episode, my best guess is the mechanoids in The Chase. The cure the Doctor developed in The Sensorites is another possability. Another is the antiradiation drugs in an Unearthly child. More likely it was something from a book or audio serial.