I meet William Shatner Tomorrow !!!

To clarify, my earlier comment of "proceed with caution" was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek response to the linked article. Wasn't trying to knock Shatner for only wanting to sign autographs or interact with fans within certain settings. It is understandable. That's more or less his job now. If he's watching his grandchild's dance recital or if he's standing next to someone in the restroom, one shouldn't expect him to give an autograph and then get cranky if he doesn't because he's not "at work."

I agree. But then along the same topic as above, if that hypothetical famous electrical plant worker was me, I can imagine how irritating it would be to have my family picnics and trips to the store interrupted by strangers asking questions about the electrical plant and having me sign their wall outlet covers. ;)

Dude, you killed spreadsheet Accounting_Accruals_2012! But, let's be honest, Marketing_Budget_May_2016 was a real low point. I mean, it really sucked. Pee-U. Anyway, can I get a selfie and an autograph! Here, you can sign my napkin! Is that your granddaughter? No? Your girlfriend? Creepy. Aaahhh-chooo sorry about your salad, don't worry, it's just allergies, let's shake hands!

This is what p#%$ me off with Shatner.
To me (along with a number of other things he's said/done) what he is saying here is "I dislike fans. They have a weird obsession with Star Trek. I only want to have anything to do with them them if I get paid for it."
He makes it sound in this piece like he only signs autographs for charity and hes a victim of obsessive fans ruining his grand daughter's dance recital or something.
And while I can sympathize with him not wanting to be bothered with fans wherever he goes, just be honest. Say I go around the country several times a year and you have opportunity to get a photo or autograph there when I'm ready for it.

Not saying Shatner's a bad guy. He raises money for charity and loves his family. He just doesn't respect us - Star Trek fans.

Congrats! I met him in 2010 (he's my profile pic). The line was rushed, so we just said "hi" to each other, but it was great to have that special moment in time where our lives intersected immortalized. His panels are always entertaining. I think you'll have a great time.

He I was there in 2010 too. Did you see me? LOL. I had a picture taken with Shatner and Nimoy.
I agree Shatner was very entertaining - especially in tag-team with Nimoy.
Well worth seeing.
I saw him at Shore Leave a few weeks ago. Didn't stand in line for his autograph, but I caught one of his Q&A presentations. He was entertaining and engaged and seemed to be having a good time interacting with the fans, while chatting about this, that, and everything.

To quote Captain Kirk: "It was fun."
I saw him at Shore Leave a few weeks ago. Didn't stand in line for his autograph, but I caught one of his Q&A presentations. He was entertaining and engaged and seemed to be having a good time interacting with the fans, while chatting about this, that, and everything.

To quote Captain Kirk: "It was fun."

He is great on stage.
Even if he seems healthy, the fact is that Shatner's elderly, even if he wanted to do all the autographs and such, it's not a good idea to have him overexert himself, or get excited when out in public. Fans need to recognise this. Harassing old people who aren't celebrities is the kind of thing that gets you on the news, nevermind harassing ones who are. On the other hand, when an actor's just finding success and complains about the fans, it's kind of hard to sympathise with, because when you sign on for this kind of a gig, you know what comes with it. Strangers on the street, people you wouldn't give the time of day to, ordinarily, coming up to you like they know you and making demands of you, when you're taking the night air.

It's going to happen, but just remember its never too late to work 9 to 5, you know? Go be a plumber, if you don't want to deal with the shit. Were I a celebrity, though, fans would piss and moan about me, too. If they want autographs from me, damn right I'm going to make them pay for it. Why should a common, ordinary fan be the only one who benefits from the transaction? What ... like I'm not supposed to get anything out of it? That's bullshit. Show me the money. I mean, you have the brass balls to violate the sanctity of my table at the Patina when I'm feeding my kid. It's like ... A) who the hell are you? B) piss off, C) I don't trust you not to pull some stunt, so yeah ... piss off.
Shatner sees countless Trek fans. But how many people want to talk to him about The Brothers Karamazov, or The World of Suzie Wong, or his other work?

That might be a decent way to break the ice.

There is always saying, "I'm also a Star Trek enthusiast" at the end.

I have met him before.

I hope your experience is better than mine.

I happened upon this image during a Google search and thought you might appreciate the....'aim' :


Maybe Shatner told him to "get a life", and he started by leaving this board.

I always imagined if I ever got one of those comments from him I would fire back with something super mean and juvenile. Something along the lines of poorly executed “Shat” joke or a dumb jab about his dodge rolls.

Then again, I’m definitely not that brave. :lol:

Did he ever apologize publicly for saying that?
I always imagined if I ever got one of those comments from him I would fire back with something super mean and juvenile. Something along the lines of poorly executed “Shat” joke or a dumb jab about his dodge rolls.

Then again, I’m definitely not that brave. :lol:

Did he ever apologize publicly for saying that?

I don't think so, and I personally didn't take offense to it.

In fact for a while I was actually considering getting a life, but it was way too much hassle.

I bought a big screen plasma TV instead. It's got better resolution than real life.
I always imagined if I ever got one of those comments from him I would fire back with something super mean and juvenile. Something along the lines of poorly executed “Shat” joke or a dumb jab about his dodge rolls.

Then again, I’m definitely not that brave. :lol:

Did he ever apologize publicly for saying that?

It was a sketch in a comedy show where he said it, so I doubt he would need to.
It was a sketch in a comedy show where he said it, so I doubt he would need to.
I don’t know, I thought there was a little cruelty in it. There’s always some truth in jest. It didn’t torment me or anything of course, I know it’s SNL. I just felt like the skit was pompous of him.

Maybe I’m just too sensie :shrug:
I don’t know, I thought there was a little cruelty in it. There’s always some truth in jest. It didn’t torment me or anything of course, I know it’s SNL. I just felt like the skit was pompous of him.

Maybe I’m just too sensie :shrug:

He’s just that good of an actor...
I don’t know, I thought there was a little cruelty in it. There’s always some truth in jest. It didn’t torment me or anything of course, I know it’s SNL. I just felt like the skit was pompous of him.

Maybe I’m just too sensie :shrug:

No, there were definitely some fans who felt the same way.

Like "you're making fun of us? Without us, you'd be doing dinner theater in Oklahoma!"

Then you become a member of this board, see the things people argue about, over and over and over, and you start to think maybe he was on to something....

you’re making fun of us? Without us, you'd be doing dinner theater in Oklahoma!"

I was gonna write something similar in my last post, then I thought...Am I prepared to take responsibility for William Shatner’s entire acting career? Do I really want that resting on my shoulders? :alienblush:
As I posted elsewhere, this is an excerpt from a 1976 magazine that talks about the conventions. The girl says, "If I get a chance to touch Mr Spock, I'll trample anybody in my way."

Ever since then, Shatner has been captain of the USS Envyprise. :lol:
