I meet William Shatner Tomorrow !!!


Red Shirt
Hello BBS,
Technically not a Star Trek question - except by the metric of being about the Biggest STAR out there along this Trek us mortals refer to simply as Life ...

In less than 24 terrestrial hours, I will be the receiving the privilege and honor of meeting my idol .. at his STAR TREK II : The Wrath of Khan tour. I'm sure you all heard, an anticipatory crowd gathers for a viewing of a pristine presentation of this monumental film, followed by a Q & A and photo with the Man, the Captain, the icon.

I just needed to share. Second Star to the right, and straight on til' morning ;)
I saw Shatner at one of these Wrath of Khan screenings in Providence RI back in May, though I didn’t meet him. Anyway, enjoy yourself!
Great opportunity!

I saw him at a Convention in 1997. I didn't go in line to get his autograph so I didn't meet him meet him but, from afar at least, he was entertaining.
Congrats! I met him in 2010 (he's my profile pic). The line was rushed, so we just said "hi" to each other, but it was great to have that special moment in time where our lives intersected immortalized. His panels are always entertaining. I think you'll have a great time.
I've been met him twice. He was awesome both times.

The last time I met him, he had a brief conversation with me and with my wife. I also saw him treat every other fan at the event with the same gracious enthusiasm.

Trapper Keeper, oh yes how I know this issue ... without commenting on the interesting position Shatner has on "being accessible". The one thing that was made clear to me by my lovely life partner when gifting me this (not cheep VIP ticket) to this event; were the restrictions.

No autographs on anything or anyone, no video / audio recordings and I'll need to pass through a TSA level security to just see him ..... ahhhh, but I'll have it locked away in my mind and heart -- they can not take that away from me !!
He was in my little town about 15 years ago for a motorcycle ride but I didn't feel like shelling out the amount of cash that the event required.

Have fun. :)
I saw him once sitting behind a glass screen at a convention centre waiting for those cash co..I mean fans to arrive! :lol: He was wearing a baseball cap on his head and looking pretty mean! :crazy:
That's why I never want to really meet my heroes! If you speak to them and they're having a bad day or a fly just flew up their nose they'll give you a bad time as well! And I would always remember that and not want to watch that episode or series again!
That's why I never want to really meet my heroes! ...
I've never gone to any conventions or met any of the actors, but that's what I've heard and read from some.

I've heard that Frakes and Burton are really friendly and that most of the DS9 cast are cool, especially René Auberjonois and Armin Shimmerman. Impressions of Brent Spiner range anywhere from funny smart-ass to complete d!ck depending on who you ask. I've read mixed things about Dorn as well.
I’ve met tons of Star Trek actors. Most are cool to very cool.

Brent Spiner was indeed a smart ass, but not in a bad way at all. Great experience with him.
I’ve met tons of Star Trek actors. Most are cool to very cool.

Brent Spiner was indeed a smart ass, but not in a bad way at all. Great experience with him.

Doubling down on the Spiner comment. That is definitely how Is describe him, a pleasant smart ass who seems to enjoy his time with fans:)

I've met Shatner twice, never had a bad experience. You have to keep in mind, some people look on these events as jobs. You are paying for their autograph, that's what you get. If you're paying for a meet and greet, that's what you get. If you go in knowing that, you'll be fine.

If you are child (good on him) or are an attractive woman (creepy of him) I've noticed you get a bit more attention/time with him....

I don't take issue with his autograph/photo policy - it makes sense. Public time is for public, you get what you pay for. Private time is private, please don't other me.

Maybe not the most generous position, but an understandable one IMO.
It's just sad that the retired factory worker or any other types of manual workers couldn't sell some of their work to fans for big bucks in their twilight years as well! "Hey, I used to work at that big electrical plant down the road from you and it's my toil that provided you with warmth and light and the ability to watch Star Trek on your television all those years back. Care to buy this fuse from me that I used once?" :wah:
Trapper Keeper, oh yes how I know this issue ... without commenting on the interesting position Shatner has on "being accessible".

Uhm...this is not an "interesting position"...but just plain and simply normal. Sure...he could have worded everthing a bit more diplomatic..but what he says "if theres one then there´s 50"...is just common sense.
Uhm...this is not an "interesting position"...but just plain and simply normal. Sure...he could have worded everthing a bit more diplomatic..but what he says "if theres one then there´s 50"...is just common sense.
To clarify, my earlier comment of "proceed with caution" was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek response to the linked article. Wasn't trying to knock Shatner for only wanting to sign autographs or interact with fans within certain settings. It is understandable. That's more or less his job now. If he's watching his grandchild's dance recital or if he's standing next to someone in the restroom, one shouldn't expect him to give an autograph and then get cranky if he doesn't because he's not "at work."

It's just sad that the retired factory worker or any other types of manual workers couldn't sell some of their work to fans for big bucks in their twilight years as well! "Hey, I used to work at that big electrical plant down the road from you and it's my toil that provided you with warmth and light and the ability to watch Star Trek on your television all those years back. Care to buy this fuse from me that I used once?" :wah:JB
I agree. But then along the same topic as above, if that hypothetical famous electrical plant worker was me, I can imagine how irritating it would be to have my family picnics and trips to the store interrupted by strangers asking questions about the electrical plant and having me sign their wall outlet covers. ;)
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