How many women has Kirk kissed/slept with?

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Luther Sloan

I keep hearing the statement that Kirk has slept with about every alien female in the galaxy. However, I never actually seen him crawling out from underneath the sheets with any women with a cigarette or anything. On the other hand, he has kissed quite a few ladies on the show, though.

I was just wondering how many times Kirk has actually kissed, and or slept (even implied) with various women within the TV series and films.

I mean, I should know this answer. But I am a bit rusty when it comes to certain details on occasion.

Anyways, any or all help would be appreciated.

Thank you.


The blonde chic from "Wink of an Eye" for sure. The scene ends in Kirk's quarters with them kissing and then we come back to them later with Kirk putting his boots on and blonde chic fixing her hair.

Ah, yeah, I remember that.

Oh, and there was Miramanee (the Indian chick) he got pregnant once, too.
Also, he knocked up a Doctor Carol Marcus, as well.

So including the chick in "Wink of an Eye" and these other two women, that is...three women so far that Kirk has slept with (that I can think of).

As for the number of girls he has kissed: That one is going to take a bit of time to pin down, I think.

Side Note:

Hmmm.... I wonder if kissing a robot would count in the numbering.

*Scratches chin*
In addition to Carol, Miramanee, and Deela, we can make a good case for Drusilla, the Roman slave girl from "Bread and Circuses." We see them making out, then there's your classic "lamp burning down" dissolve to show the passage of hours, then we see Kirk asleep in the same room. It's not definitive, but the implication is clear.

It's also a safe bet that he got laid by one or more Argelian women while on shore leave after "Wolf in the Fold," given that Argelius is a hedonistic, sexually liberal culture. But we never met any of them on camera.

Women he probably slept with:

Areel Shaw -- Described Kirk as "my dear old love," suggesting they were closely involved for a time.

Janet Wallace -- Another old flame who keeps track of how long it's been since they broke up, so it must've been pretty serious.

Janice Lester -- She and Kirk were together for a year, according to her.

Women he kissed but definitely didn't sleep with:

Eve McHuron -- She tried to seduce him but couldn't go through with it.

Janice Rand -- The evil Kirk's rape attempt didn't get past first base, and the intact Kirk was too much of a professional to even let himself look at her legs.

Andrea -- Doesn't go beyond kissing because she's "not programmed for [him]."

Helen Noel -- People often think they were an item, but that was an illusion planted by the neural neutralizer. In reality, they only flirted and danced at the Christmas party, and the brainwashed Kirk kissed her briefly before coming to his senses.

Sylvia -- He tries to seduce her to gain an advantage, but she catches on before he gets past first base.

Marlena -- He simply doesn't have time. The only gap in their scenes together is the act break after Spock warns Kirk he's been ordered to kill him, and when we come back, Marlena's still in uniform and reacting to that event. So there's no opportunity for sex.

Nona -- They're definitely headed that way, but it's scuttled by a case of mugatus interruptus.

Shahna -- Ditto, except this time it's Galtus interruptus.

Miranda Jones -- His seduction bombed totally.

Uhura -- They were forced to make out by the Platonians, and Kirk regained control of himself before it could go further.

Marta -- She interrupted their makeout by attempting, err, premature evisceration.

Martia (from ST VI) -- They only kissed once and then she left.

Uncertain cases:

Lenore Karidian -- They fell into an embrace at the fade-out and we didn't see either of them again for some time. But he was just using her to get to her father, so the question is, how far would he take it?

Ruth -- With the fantasy version, probably yes, eventually. But the real Ruth was a memory from his Academy days, yet she was played by a 32-year-old actress. So she would've been an "older woman." Was she his Mrs. Robinson, or just someone he worshipped from afar?

Edith Keeler -- She was the love of his life, but would a "Sister" Edith from 1930 have been willing to have sex before marriage? The Crucible trilogy by David R. George says yes, and it's true that sexual values in that era were probably more flexible than we assume (and more liberal than later in the '50s, say), but it's hard to be sure.

Kelinda -- Very probably not; they still seemed to be at first base when interrupted by Rojan. But there was a cutaway, so it's theoretically possible they could've gone all the way, gotten dressed again, and started over again with the kissing.

Anne Mulhall -- If it did happen, it was while their bodies were in use by other minds, so it wouldn't really count anyway.

Elaan -- Again, probably not, since they always seemed to be getting interrupted, but we can't be sure how much time elapsed between scenes.

Odona -- There's an act break in which it might've happened, but it doesn't seem too likely that they had time.

Rayna Kapec -- They probably didn't have the time or opportunity, since the whole whirlwind courtship takes less than four hours, but it can't be definitively ruled out.

So the breakdown, for women appearing on camera:

Definite sexual intimacy: 2
Near-certain intimacy: 5
Indeterminate: 8
Kissing but definitely no sex: 12

So much for the stereotype that Kirk slept with every woman he met. That's basically projecting an anachronistic set of assumptions onto a 1960s television show. I think some people forget how strict the censorship was at the time.
Odona -- There's an act break in which it might've happened, but it doesn't seem too likely that they had time.

I always assumed he took the time out for some sex, even though it seemed weird to do so - you know with the whole "missing crew" mystery and all.

They kiss, walk out of the bridge together (spooky faces), commercial. Fade in and they are leaving Kirk's quarters, still quite chummy. Unless Kirk was stopping off to reapply his deoderant, I'd say he scored. Most all sex was implied on Trek, so do with this what you will.
They kiss, walk out of the bridge together (spooky faces), commercial. Fade in and they are leaving Kirk's quarters, still quite chummy. Unless Kirk was stopping off to reapply his deoderant, I'd say he scored. Most all sex was implied on Trek, so do with this what you will.

Okay, I'll give you that one. I was going from Chakoteya's transcript site, so I got dialogue but not visuals. So let's move Odona from "Indeterminate" to "Near-certain," and add Antonia to "Definite." (We don't have the dead-cinch proof of paternity as with Carol and Miramanee, but they were clearly sharing a residence and a bedroom.) So 3 definite, 6 near-certain, 7 indeterminate, and 12 first base only. Still a far cry from banging every woman he meets.

And it's worth noting that the majority of certain, near-certain, or probable cases are with women that Kirk had ongoing relationships with or felt sincere love for, with Drusilla, Deela, and Odona being the exceptions. And a lot of his other encounters were either cases where he was seducing someone as a ploy to advance a mission or cases where he was being seduced, drugged, hypnotized, etc. Which also goes against the myth of Kirk as an inveterate womanizer.
Oh, and we need to add one more, too.
Kirk kissed Gaila the Orion chick in the 2009 Star Trek film.

As for it being implied that they might have slept together: I actually can't remember if that happened or not. Gonna have to watch that scene again to see.

Oh, and does anyone know if there was any implied moments of Kirk making out or if there were any new love interests (shown or mentioned) in the Animated Series? I have the DVD set, but it has been a long long time ago since I seen it. So I really don't remember.
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Oh, and we need to add one more, too.
Kirk kissed Gaila the Orion chick in the 2009 Star Trek film.

As for it being implied that they might have slept together: I actually can't remember if that happened or not. Gonna have to watch that scene again to see.

They were heading that way when Uhura interrupted them (I mean, come on, she was Orion). But it wasn't made clear in the final cut whether they'd done it before. (It was pretty clear in the script and novelization. She was a programmer on the Kobayashi Maru simulation and he slept with her to get the access codes.)

Anyway, that's a different timeline, and kind of starting from scratch, so I don't think it really applies to this question. The new version of Kirk is much closer to the stereotype than the original Kirk was -- at the very least, he's seven years younger than the Kirk we met in "Where No Man" -- so he's probably more wild and promiscuous.

Oh, and does anyone know if there was any implied moments of Kirk making out or if there were any new love interests (shown or mentioned) in the Animated Series?

The closest he got was some verbal flirtation with Lara in "The Jihad." Well, there were the seductive Taurean women in "The Lorelei Signal," but they were coming onto all the men in the landing party equally and it was depicted very chastely.

Let's not forget the slave girl in Bread & Circuses.

I already mentioned Drusilla.

And I say Ruth was a definite.

I don't think there's enough evidence in the episode to conclude that. The only thing that's actually said about his past with Ruth is that "It's been fifteen years" and she hasn't aged a day -- meaning he would've known her when he was 18 and she was in her early 30s. There's no line stating they were actually involved or what the nature of their involvement was. She could've been an Academy professor he had a mad, unrequited crush on for all we know. Since the Ruth we saw was an illusion created from his own fantasies, we have no way of knowing if her response to him represented reality.
The 30 Girls Kirk Has Made Some Type of Contact With!

Kirk's Home Runs:

1. Miramanee


A Native American Tribal priestess named Miramanee falls in love and gets impregnated by an amnesiatic Captain Kirk.

2. Deela


Deela was Queen of the Scalosians. We witness Kirk putting his boots on after a nice scene of some hot and heavy kissing.

3. Janet Wallace


Janet and James Kirk were romantically involved in 2261, but the two called it off in favor of their respective careers.

4. Ruth (Fantasy Version)


Ruth was a woman with whom James T. Kirk had a crush on in his Starfleet Academy years. In 2267, the USS Enterprise discovered the Shore Leave Planet, an artificial world where complex machinery could bring fantasies to life. Kirk planned to beam back to the Enterprise, but Ruth appeared again, and this convinced him to remain on the planet for a few days. In which case, Kirk obviously stayed so that he could live out that particular fantasy.

5. Areel Shaw


Shaw and Kirk had been romantically linked in 2262. The relationship did not work out, but they parted as friends.

6. Janice Lester


Lester's early career included a period of service in Starfleet. She spent a year alongside James T. Kirk and they became romantically involved.

7. Carol Marcus


Doctor Carol Marcus was one of the leading molecular biologists in the Federation. She devoted her life to her research. During the late 2250s or early 2260s, Carol became involved with a young Starfleet officer named James T. Kirk, and in 2261 she gave birth to their son, David. However, she felt that they had no basis for a lasting relationship, with Kirk traveling around the universe while she worked in a lab, so she asked that Kirk leave her alone to raise the boy.

8. Antonia


Antonia was a woman with whom James T. Kirk had a love affair while he was living on Earth in the 2280s

Kirk's "Uncertain" Home Runs:

9. Drusilla


In 2268, Claudius Marcus hosted an alien guest/prisoner, Captain James T. Kirk. On the eve of his scheduled execution, Drusilla was ordered to consider herself Kirk's slave and property for the night. In other words, Kirk was given the opportunity to have sex with this woman. However, it is unlikely Kirk actually slept with her because he was fully clothed on top of the bed when he had been awakened hours later.

10. Lenore Karidian


Lenore Karidian is a member of the Karidian Company who ends up flying on board Kirk's ship under a criminal investigation. Kirk appears to have developed feelings for Lenore and kisses her. In fact, we even see a certain amount of time pass after they kiss, too (suggesting that they might have become intimate with one another). However, on the other hand, it seems unlikely Kirk had acted on his passions fully with Lenore seeing Kirk was foreseeing an ongoing criminal investigation on board his ship (at the time).

11. Edith Keeler


Edith Keeler was a social worker who ran the Twenty-First Street Mission on planet Earth in 1930. Known for her compassion and forward thinking, she sought to bring peace to the entire planet. She was a strong and vocal pacifist. Her ideas on space travel, new energy sources and a peaceful society brought ridicule from those at the shelter. These radical concepts also brought her the respect and love of James T. Kirk, captain of the USS Enterprise, who was brought to her time from 2267 via the Guardian of Forever. So they hit it off and dated each other. But it was never clear or suggested that they actually did the deed or not, though.

12. Kelinda


Kelinda was a Kelvan, member of an expedition from the Kelvan Empire in the radiation-imperiled Andromeda Galaxy. Kelinda immediately recognized Kirk's apology for striking her was merely an opening for seduction (or kissing), but she welcomed his kissing efforts and embrace. Rojan was incited to a jealous rage by Kirk and Kelinda's repeated 'apology' sessions (or kissing sessions). Now, was Kirk doing more than just kissing with her? You never know. But seeing the situation they were in, my guess is that Kirk didn't do anything more than kiss with her.

13. Anne Mulhall


Doctor Ann Mulhall was a 23rd century Starfleet lieutenant commander, who served as an astrobiologist aboard the USS Enterprise. She and Kirk let their bodies get taken over by non corporeal beings to create android bodies for them to eventually live in. These two entities clearly wanted to make love to each other in these new flesh and blood bodies (Which were the bodies of Kirk and Ann). Although there was time for them to do so, there was no indication that they truly did make love at any point, though.

14. Elaan


Elaan was the Dohlman of Elas, and a member of the Elasian royal family in the 2260s. Captain James T. Kirk assumed the role of the Dohlman's etiquette coach, but with little time in a diplomatic crisis, he refused to coddle her. Elaan in a last-ditch attempt to avoid a dreaded marriage; Elaan cried before Kirk, infecting him when he wiped a tear from her cheek. Immediately, Kirk became infatuated with Elaan. However, the crisis on board the Enterprise kept Kirk focused from giving into his passions fully with her, though.

15. Odona


Odona was the daughter of Ambassador Hodin of the planet Gideon. Gideon was suffering from overpopulation since the people were immune to disease. Kirk on Odona both were on board an empty Enterprise and eventually kissed. Whether Kirk reached second, third, or home plate during commercial break is truly unknown. However, it does seem unlikely he did actually have sex with her seeing he was desperately worried and in search for his missing crew.

16. Rayna Kapec (Android)


Rayna Kapec was an android built by Flint, an immortal who had wandered the Earth. Captain Kirk and Rayna became attracted to each other. As Flint and Kirk became involved in a fight over Rayna, her new feelings and the choice between Flint and Kirk overwhelm her. Rayna, unable to handle such intense emotions, short circuited and ceased functioning. In fact, Kirk was effected emotionally so badly that Spock made him forget her. So, although it is unlikely: it is hard to say whether or not Kirk had time to do the deed with her or not.

Kirk's 1st Base Hits Only (Kissing):

17. Eve McHuron


Eve McHuron was one of three women being transported to Ophiucus III as a wife in 2266. McHuron's conscience worked against Mudd's plans – when he assigned her to seduce Captain Kirk, she could not carry out that plan.

18. Janice Rand


In 2266, Janice Rand served aboard the USS Enterprise under the command of Captain James T. Kirk as the captain's yeoman. On one particular day, the transporter failed while transporting Captain Kirk and it split him into two separate beings. One was positive and the other one was negative (evil). The evil version tried sexually assaulting Janice Rand, but only got as far as kissing her, and that was it.

19. Andrea (Android)


Andrea was a female android built sometime between 2261 and 2266, by Roger Korby. To demonstrate that she was merely a machine and unable to feel emotions, Korby ordered her to kiss and then strike Captain Kirk. Later, when Kirk kissed her again, she next attempted to strike him, as she had done earlier. This time he kissed her much more passionately, and she became confused and upset, claiming she was "not programmed" for Kirk.

20. Helen Noel


Helen Noel was a psychiatrist with a background in rehabilitative therapy, and a member of Doctor Leonard McCoy's medical staff aboard the USS Enterprise in 2266. She had served aboard ship since at least the previous Christmas, at which time she had attended the science lab Christmas party – a party Captain James T. Kirk also attended. On a visit to Tantalus Penal Colony, she and Kirk discovered a device called the neural neutralizer. Eventually, the caretakers of the penal colony overpowered Helen and began to employ the device to mentally condition Kirk. Included in this conditioning were powerful romantic feelings towards Noel, built on their chance encounter at the Christmas party. Therefore because of these manufactured feelings, Kirk kissed her with very strong emotions. However, it really didn't go beyond anything more than simple kissing though.

21. Sylvia


Sylvia was the junior member of a team from beyond the Milky Way Galaxy of two Ornithoid explorers in Human form who established an outpost. Kirk ends up kissing this woman in an attempt at seducing her so he could eventually free his crew and escape.

22. Marlena (Mirror Universe Version)


In the mirror universe, Lieutenant Marlena Moreau was a scientist serving aboard the ISS Enterprise in 2267. She was also James T. Kirk's captain's woman. So although, the Prime Universe Kirk didn't did not sleep with her, the Mirror Universe Kirk obviously did. So seeing that we are talking about an alternate version of Kirk co-existing alongside the Original Kirk, this does not count as a home run for Kirk (But simply a 1st base kissing).

23. Nona


Nona was a Kahn-ut-tu woman and the wife of Tyree, leader of the Hill People on the planet Neural. Nona possessed mystical powers that kept Tyree under her spell. Kirk ended up being injured on the planet and Nona took the opportunity to seduce and control Kirk as well in order to gain power for her people. However, her seduction only went as far as kissing and that was it.

24. Shahna


Shahna was a drill thrall on the planet Triskelion, where she was born in the mid-23rd century. Shahna was responsible for training the new thralls, becoming romantically involved with Captain James T. Kirk in the process. However, Kirk didn't get past first base with her because he was interrupted by the masters who had him trapped on Triskelion.

25. Miranda Jones


Doctor Miranda Jones was a blind telepath who specialized in the field of psychology. Captain Kirk was taken by her beauty and he kissed her. However, she wasn't your normal woman, so oddly enough, she didn't return his kiss back.

26. Uhura


Nyota Uhura served as communications officer aboard the USS Enterprise. On one particular mission she is coerced into beaming down to a planet controlled by a powerful race known as the Platonians. Eventually, on the planet, Uhura is forced to kiss Captain Kirk as part of their amusement.

27. Marta


Marta was an Orion inmate at the Federation asylum on Elba II. She was delusional, and seductive. Marta served as somewhat of a consort to Garth of Izar during his attempted take-over of the colony in 2269. After James T. Kirk was captured by Garth, he placed him and Marta alone in a room where she tried to seduce him. She was unsuccessful and tried to stab Kirk, who managed to fight her off.

28. Martia


Martia was a female chameloid imprisoned on the Klingon penal colony Rura Penthe. She kissed Kirk in his bunk while in the penal colony but it didn't go any farther than that, though.

29. Gaila


Gaila was an Orion female and a cadet in Starfleet Academy in the alternate time line. While studying at Starfleet Academy in San Francisco, Cadet Gaila had a near-sexual encounter with Lieutenant James T. Kirk.

Kirk Being Kissed (But Not on the Lips):

30. Gillian Taylor


Gillian Taylor, PhD was the assistant director of the Cetacean Institute until 1986. Kirk travels back in time and runs into this woman during his attempt to save Earth by bringing back two humpback whales. After Kirk is close to succeeding in his mission, Gillian manages to travel along with Kirk to the future in his time. Later, she expresses her gratitude to Kirk and gives him a quick "side kiss" to the cheek before she embarks on her new job in the future.

Kirk's Score Board:

Actual Home Runs: 8

Uncertain Home Runs: 8

1st Base Hits Only (Kissing): 13

Being Kissed (But Not on the Lips): 1

Kirk's Total Score: 30

Side Note:

Bits and pieces of this post is brought to you by Memory-Alpha.

Other bits and pieces of this post was brought to you by yours truly.

However, this entire post was made possible in regards to who Kirk's love interests were, from Christopher here at Trekbbs. So send him a thank you, if you get the chance.

Side Note 2:

Furthermore, various articles in my post this time have not been credited individually. In the future, I will make an effort to give credit in more detail where it is due.

Thank you.
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^Luther Sloan, you've quoted my words directly in your post without attributing them as quotes or distinguishing them from your own words. That's essentially plagiarism and is a violation of BBS protocol. I must insist that you either remove my lines from your post and rephrase them in your own words, or make it clear when you're quoting me and when you're not.

EDIT: See below.
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Kirk's Score Board:

Actual Home Runs: 7

Uncertain Home Runs: 9

1st Base Hits Only (Kissing): 13

Being Kissed (But Not on the Lips): 1

Kirk's Total Score: 30
You're talking "raw" score. With a "scaled" score, he would get 4 pts for home runs, at least 2 pts for "ground rule doubles" (unless you want to reclassified some as triples), 1 pt for singles, and a half pt for a "walk".

So your "scaled" score would at the least be: 59.5

There probably would be an additional modifier if the pitcher (woman) was a "southpaw" (alien).
The nuKirk of ST09 doesn't really count because that's not the original TOS Kirk but an alternate universe Kirk.

And in "Mirror, Mirror" although "our" Kirk doesn't get there with Marlena I'm sure the Mirror Kirk got there with some frequency.
Those pictures just confirm what I've always thought - Janice Lester was the hottest babe ever on the show. None of those other ones come close. I'd say the next most beautiful was the girl Spock was involved with in "All Our Yesterdays".
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