How Long Have You Been on TBBS?

Since March of 2003. Always mean to post something regarding the anniversary, but then I forget. Can't really believe it's been that long.
Joined in 2004 as Elmo Dukat. Left a couple years ago, now back as Dukat's Major for uh---one day so far. ;)

...still getting used to new vBulletin stuff. Bah!

Joined in 2004 as Elmo Dukat. Left a couple years ago, now back as Dukat's Major for uh---one day so far. ;)

...still getting used to new vBulletin stuff. Bah!


Welcome back, but you didn't need to close your old account. I actually did that once (Real date I joined was Sept. 11th, 2002) but that was before we could change usernames. If we could back then, I probably wouldn't have closed it.