Contest: ENTER Hogwash avatar contest...


Premium Member
For the mud, dirt, and muck I give you hogwash.. the washing off, of the hog.. on the serious side hogwash is nonsense .. definition..

Hogwash is complete nonsense, lies, or ridiculous actions. If an advertisement claims that taking one vitamin pill a day will make you ten times stronger, that's hogwash. The informal hogwash is perfect for talking about falsehoods and foolishness.
So the absence of meaning.. meaninglessness with abstract patternless avatars .. I make abstract patternless videos all the time and upload them.. an example of this with music is noise or visuals like snow on a TV, that is meaningless!! So 3 unique meaningless avatars for the contest the entries should be different expressing what hogwash means to you.. and It has to be better than the other entries to win.. 3 entries per person.. a structured object that is recognizable is an avatar that fails.. but a foolish act or event is acceptable. This is harder than it looks..


This is an example having no meaning... This might be one of my entries so I would make it 200x200 size and maybe make it into a neat gif for fun.. less than 1 megabyte.. remember things with out meaning or even our foolish meaningless avatar contest that is really serious about the hogwash..:hugegrin::nyah:...

The contest entries will end after a week so next Saturday we'll go into overtime if by next Saturday we have less than 10 entries, this will mean during overtime no limit to three entries per person but the first 10 are used ..

also no media or Pop culture images or copyrighted stuff..
I had time today :) and made the gif from the 4 corners of the image .. and I have not watched it till I post it here and see what it looks like.

hogwash #1
hogwash avatar.gif
thanks @Avro Arrow - most things on my youtube channel are like this and sometimes a person here or there will comment something like that.. the "wtf" comments are very common on my youtube videos as well.. but there are more comments like "amazing" or "make more" or "thanks for uploading" compared to the ones that are wtf comments . so I keep posting ,, and people appreciate my videos and music... still it is not for everyone ,, just my nitch .. I am approaching 2000 subscriptions and just passed the 20,000 videos uploaded mmm youtube says 20k uploads :) I always like to engage my youtube watchers that comment .. so if someone comments I will reply,..

How weird.:borg:

thanks in some universes this comment is a kind of compliment .. ---
If people are having difficulty ?? I have links. below to google photos where I upload hundreds of mmmm 1000's of these kinds of images for the public to play with as they see fit either mixing or editing in gimp or photoshop.. :techman:

442 abstract photos at this link for anyone to use,..

325 abstract photos at this link for anyone to use,..

487 abstract photos at this link for anyone to use,..
Okay it's Saturday and... Well actually Sunday it's just 5 entries I will be adding some more.. but the first time we have 10 entries is when the voting thread goes up.. it's unlimited entries from here on out..

That's really cool pretty that last one
I am going to put up voting I did forget that till today wednesday to keep checking .. so I will put that together right now.. next post is a link to the voting.. wow people