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Hey, I never noticed that before....

Apparently, Roddenberry's rule was that everything should have a sound, to give it an identifiable screen presence.

I remember reading where GR informed Grindstaff that every set had to have a unique sound : bridge, engineering, transporter room, et.al. Grindstaff was mortified at the work that entailed, but he still did a masterful job.
I remember one of the novels saying that the Klingons specifically designed their transporter to be silent, as that was better for stealth warfare, but it required the absence of several safety features found the Federation transporters.

That's interesting. I always thought it was up in the air as to whether our transporter whine could be heard in-universe, especially at the remote end where we have no transporter machinery.
Looks like Wikipedia didn't get that memo:
The 2nd sentence in the first paragraph there: "A hangar is a building or structure designed to hold aircraft or spacecraft. Hangars are built of metal, wood, or concrete." :lol: Talk about an unnecessary sentence!

Yeah, it's a building. It's built of... materials. Ooh, what a surprise! :eek:

Come to think of it, there are inflatable ones too, so they missed a material.
So look down at the floor plans shown in this site:

Count Dracula now wants to enlist, thinking that Sickbay is loaded with designer coffins. (So show him the regular forward-facing perspective and watch 'im sulk and say "Well, that sucks!"...)


Yep, the blood bank is to the left of the Dr(acula)'s office there, which also reads WILD... probably because it was 1978 and needing to feel all Studio 54ey

“Where No Man Has Gone Before”

When Scotty drops the module into the console the display activates, but also the bridge sound effects whirl on. So the whole function of that box is just to make lights, bells and whistles. :shrug:

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“Where No Man Has Gone Before”

When Scotty drops the module into the console the display activates, but also the bridge sound effects whirl on. So the whole function of that box is just to make lights, bells and whistles. :shrug:


Amazingly it powered everything up before Scotty even fully seats the module in. Maybe it was the guy in the blue shirt that powered the console on? It does look identical to the one at Kelso's controls on the planet. They must have had lots of spares...
Maybe it was the guy in the blue shirt that powered the console on?

You are spot on! That technician in the blue coveralls has a Variac in his hand. It’s used by present day electricians to apply/control the amount of AC voltage applied. You can even see the black power cord that feeds power to the Scotty box. He turns the control dial after Scotty drops the box into place.
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I've always assumed that this was done because the director wanted to show the crew slightly disheveled after their long hours of work - usually you could show this by loosening neckties and undoing the top button, but Star Trek uniforms have much more limited options, so here you go! :eek:
But but...Starfleet uniforms have no zippers!!!!!
Even if Star Trek costumes do!!!!! ;)
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