Hey, I never noticed that before....

I just tested using the Snipping tool with a Netflix movie playing and got these results:
Windows 10, Firefox 125.0.1 - video is black but you can see the netflix title and seekbar in Snipping tool
Windows 10, Chrome 123.0.6312.124 with graphics acceleration off - video is visible and captured in Snipping tool
antique Windows 7, Firefox 115.10.0 0 video is visible and captured in Snipping tool.

So it is possible to screen capture from Netflix but I can see it being a problem depending on your browser and OS.
Art Bell’s photo of a reptoid of course
Speaking of which, here's another one - notice how long that lighter coloured section is! I think we are definitely dealing with a carpet panel, used to cover some damage or dirt on the existing floor.

Just at a glance, it looks like a pale patch where painter's tape used to be. Unlikely, though.
‘Tholian Web’…as the Enterprise landing party beams onto the Defiant bridge, the Defiant’s Captain is seen with his right hand next to the shoulder of the red shirt. A following close up then shows the Captain with his right hand on the shoulder of the red shirt, prompting Dr. McCoy to say, “He’s not dead, Jim!” :whistle:


Probably not a new one, but only recently occured to me...

As well as being the parallel Earth and comedy season, season two has three stories where the crew explodes the alien threat of the week (Doomsday, Obsession, Immunity), and two where the threat is beamed off the ship and destroyed in space (Wolf and Changeling).

Heck, as I type Adonais and Apple both have repeat methods of destruction too.

Season Two certainly repeats itself a lot.
Probably not a new one, but only recently occurred to me...

As well as being the parallel Earth and comedy season, season two has three stories where the crew explodes the alien threat of the week (Doomsday, Obsession, Immunity), and two where the threat is beamed off the ship and destroyed in space (Wolf and Changeling).

Heck, as I type Adonais and Apple both have repeat methods of destruction too.

Season Two certainly repeats itself a lot.
They also use antimatter as the explosive twice in as many weeks! (Obsession and Immunity Syndrome)
They also use antimatter as the explosive twice in as many weeks! (Obsession and Immunity Syndrome)
Only by Production Order; five episodes apart by Airdate, or ~700 stardates (~8.5 months!) apart by Stardate. YMMV :).