Hey, I never noticed that before....


Notice the sunflower detailing on her dress. On a planet that doesn't have flowers naturally growing (as far as we can see), it's a little bit of adornment that stands out.
Probably brought with her from what ever planet she's from.
In The Squire of Gothos, when the landing party first enters the transporter room at around 6:05, there's a big metal plate on the floor with a little black thing (handle?). Spock walks over it when approaching Scott at the controls. Maybe it's a secret dungeon for evil transportees?
In The Squire of Gothos, when the landing party first enters the transporter room at around 6:05, there's a big metal plate on the floor with a little black thing (handle?). Spock walks over it when approaching Scott at the controls. Maybe it's a secret dungeon for evil transportees?
It might be a painted board put on the floor to cover up something...perhaps noticeable floor scuffs or just paint touch ups on the floor with an actor/camera "mark" :shrug::
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In "Patterns of Force," Kirk and Spock are experts on Nazi uniforms and ranks.

Really? Paritcularly since the Nazi insignia (particulary that of the SS) were largely distinct from those of other military forces, this would be like two current U.S. military officers traveling through time and showing seamless familiarity with British insignia in use in about 1680. Possible? I suppose. Likely? No. Especially for an alien.
Watching Patterns of Force today, I noticed two things again:
1) The gray uniforms have a black sash around the left forearm with some script writing. Does it read "Adolph Hitler"?
2) Also on the gray uniforms, the senior officers have icons in rectangular boxes on the left and right collar. On the left, it appears to be a leaf or blossom. On the right, it appears to be the SS insignia. But, the soldiers with the gray uniforms don't have anything in the rectangle on the left collar.
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Watching Patterns of Force today, I noticed two things again:
1) The gray uniforms have a black sash around the left forearm with some script writing. Does it read "Adolph Hitler"?
2) Also on the gray uniforms, the senior officer have icons in rectangular boxes on the left and right collar. On the left, it appears to be a leaf or blossom. On the right, it appears to be the SS insignia. But, the soldiers with the gray uniforms don't have anything in the rectangle on the left collar.
It's not a metal plate on the floor. It's a cargo box, like the one they caged the dog in "The Enemy Within."

But it looks like it's one inch tall. It could very well be the lid from the dog box, set there to cover a bad scuff mark. That's how I see it.

Edit: it all depends on the little area between the lid and the console's support leg. Where does the box end and the carpet begin. So I can't tell for sure.
Okay, it is a plate on the transporter room floor. By the screenshot posted up-thread, it looks like a foreground object. But if you watch video of the scene. McCoy walks right over it. So it is a plate on the floor. Why? Who knows? The transporter room changes from time to time per the needs of the script—like having a rear alcove for some kind of scanner station, or food dispensers. Even the placement of the control console changes location and orientation. In "That Which Survives" it is pointed into the corner between the door and the transport chamber. Other times closer, farther, rotated this way and that...