Hey, I never noticed that before....


If only....

Would you mind telling us who that is? :confused: :bolian: I'm pretty sure it's Marianna Hill's body, color switched, from "Dagger of the Mind."
Not a massive one, but I've always wondered why Spock isn't on the bridge at the start of The Omega Glory, but meets Kirk in the Transporter Room.

Could this be an element retained from the original pilot version?

Certainly we meet McCoy in the Transporter Room in episodes such as Space Seed, Catspaw and Return to Tomorrow. But I don't think Spock has ever been noticeably absent like that before.
Not a massive one, but I've always wondered why Spock isn't on the bridge at the start of The Omega Glory, but meets Kirk in the Transporter Room.

Could this be an element retained from the original pilot version?

Certainly we meet McCoy in the Transporter Room in episodes such as Space Seed, Catspaw and Return to Tomorrow. But I don't think Spock has ever been noticeably absent like that before.

Likely he was working on something that required his attention or was called to something before, then Kirk informed him over intercom to meet him in the transporter room. All done offscreen.

It unconsciously gives a sense of Spock actually serving his dual role as XO and Science Officer.

My opinion, anyway.
Not a massive one, but I've always wondered why Spock isn't on the bridge at the start of The Omega Glory, but meets Kirk in the Transporter Room.

Could this be an element retained from the original pilot version?

Certainly we meet McCoy in the Transporter Room in episodes such as Space Seed, Catspaw and Return to Tomorrow. But I don't think Spock has ever been noticeably absent like that before.

There are a lot of throwbacks in "The Omega Glory" for the reason that you noted. Spock not being present on the bridge is one of them. So is a security guy showing more versatility than just being a redshirt extra, Sulu in command, no Scotty, etc.
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Watching TOS with my wife. (First time for her, and... I'm not sure for me. 8? 9?)

I decided to show her the episodes in production order. (Didn't start with "THE CAGE", though, but that's only because of "THE MENAGERIE" two-parter.)

I saw now what I have completely overlooked all the previous times. In "THE ENEMY WITHIN", when Bad Kirk first steps off the transporter pad, his uniform is missing the delta. But in the very next scene, it's on.
In "THE ENEMY WITHIN", when Bad Kirk first steps off the transporter pad, his uniform is missing the delta. But in the very next scene, it's on.

The episode features a Shatner body double, so two Kirks can be on screen at once. Because the double (Don Eitner) would be seen only from behind, there was no need to sew an arrowhead insignia on his tunic. (The arrowheads had to be removed when the costumes were dry cleaned, and sewn back on for every shooting day.)

It's possible that Shatner was simply given Eitner's costume by mistake for the scenes where he has no insignia, and nobody caught it because the show was still new at the time, and how a uniform should look wasn't burned into their minds yet.

It's also possible that the director was in a hurry, and the uniform wasn't "ready" yet but he said "To hell with it, nobody is going to care. Let's just go."
Wow good observation! It looks like for continuity we see Kirk on the planet surface without the delta so he and his duplicate could beam up and appear on the transporter without the delta. We can assume that once onboard the Enterprise both Kirks got a change of clothes and ended up with the deltas.
It was mentioned in "The Nitpicker's Guide", where the author speculates that the intention had been to flip the footage to make the set seem bigger - although if that was actually done then the hair stylists also did the same to Shatner and Takei's hair!
Curiously, Takei holds the dog over his chest the entire scene - perhaps covering up the insignia's absence?
It was mentioned in "The Nitpicker's Guide", where the author speculates that the intention had been to flip the footage to make the set seem bigger - although if that was actually done then the hair stylists also did the same to Shatner and Takei's hair!
Curiously, Takei holds the dog over his chest the entire scene - perhaps covering up the insignia's absence?

They would also need to print reversed labels for the botany container too if they were thinking of flipping the planetside footage.
Nothing on Memory Alpha, but I'm sure the scene *was* flipped, then later reversed for home video release. I'd have to go back and check, but I think the laserdisc version is the original broadcast, but subsequent releases weren't.
If it was flipped, I wonder why? Because in the first scene the rocky cliff is on the left of the screen and in the second scene the rock is on the right. Flipping either scene would only make the set seem smaller, as if both had been filmed on the same bit of soundstage!