Here's my Warp Scale Excel Table

Discussion in 'Trek Tech' started by KamenRiderBlade, Apr 14, 2018.

  1. KamenRiderBlade

    KamenRiderBlade Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 24, 2012
    Here's my Warp Scale based on the TNG Warp scale, but removed the hand drawn curve after Warp 9.
    It should be good enough for most people and I've put in comments on how fast certain propulsion / communications tech are based on my personal research on the topic based on ST Canon material & math on said subject.

    Tell me what you folks think about it.

    Honestly, the hand drawn curve after Warp 9 was always BS and I liked the TNG formula, so I stuck with it.
    SolarisOne likes this.
  2. Lord Other

    Lord Other Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Am I reading it right? You have warp speeds into the tens of thousands (old scale)? Somewhere I think I can hear Scotty whimpering. ;)
    SolarisOne likes this.
  3. KamenRiderBlade

    KamenRiderBlade Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 24, 2012
    I have no "Hard Limit" on Warp Scale.
    I only listed to Warp Factor 65,535 because that's what my version of Excel allowed at that time using the old Excel Binary File Format.
    I haven't updated to the new one where it has full 32-bit int range of rows.
    But anyways, I think the "Hard Limit" was a DUMB IDEA that was implemented without thinking.

    And not very many things actually go that fast

    Here are the notes from my Excel Table:
    -> Normal TNG era Warp 1-9 is the exact same and unchanged
    ->Warp 9.9 on TNG is now ~Warp Factor: 20
    ->Traditional SubSpace Radio is ~Warp Factor: 26
    ->USS Equinox's "Enhanced Warp Drive" based on Nucleogenic Energy LifeForms is ~Warp Factor: 43
    -> Quantum SlipStream Drive that Voyager used is ~ Warp Factor: 145
    -> Xindi's SubSpace Vortex allows vessels to travel at ~ Warp Factor: 248
    -> The Graviton Catapult launched vessels at a ~ Warp Factor: 380
    -> The Spore Drive AKA "DASH (Displacement Activated Spore-Hub) Drive" allows you travel at ~ Warp Factor: 635
    ->The Hyper-SubSpace Radio that was developed by the PathFinder project to allow Real-Time VOIP across the galaxy allows data packets to travel along the Hyper-SubSpace realm at ~ Warp Factor: 11,214
    -> The Traveler & "Wesley Crusher" by extension once he's fully developed his power can allow any Warp Capable vessel to travel to other galaxies at a speed equivalent to ~ Warp Factor: 31,841 traveling for a duration of 1 day; BUT take that distance traveled and have it occur in a matter of < 1 min. The only reason I don't list the EXACT Warp Factor for "The Traveler" is because my Excel Table runs on the old Binary File format and the exact ###c is off my table literally.

    Basically "The Traveler" can let you cross 2,801,337,518,884.28 Light-Years in under 1 min.
    But that's only if he wants to allow you to travel that far.
    That's how BROKEN "The Traveler"s Powers are.
    That's why we only saw him a few times.
    His powers are really that ridiculous and should Wesley ever develop them to his level of powers, Wesley will be that special of a being; a being that can cross Space, Time & Reality. Something that is very close to "Q" level powers without going all the way.

    I have now classified Warp Speed Ranges:
    - Normal "Warp Speed" is classified as Warp Factors: 1-99
    - TransWarp Speeds are classified as Warp Factors: 100-999
    - SuperWarp Speeds are classified as Warp Factors: 1,000-9,999
    - HyperWarp Speeds are classified as Warp Factors: 10,000-99,999
    Lord Other and SolarisOne like this.
  4. Tenacity

    Tenacity Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 14, 2016
    In the velocity column, eliminating the long string of digits past the decimal point would be a plus.

    One digit should be fine.

    In the other columns stop with the first non-zero number.
  5. Lord Other

    Lord Other Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    I don't particularly like it either- but I do think it was thought about quite a bit by Gene and the production staff before it was implemented, I just think it was implemented for all the wrong reasons.

    I did something similar here, keeping the speeds in line relative to one another Warp Factor 1-9 from TOS to TNG. My benchmark for figuring speeds above 9.0 were cited dialogue from the Voyager episode, "The 37's" spoken by Tom Paris in which Warp 9.9 is 21473c. My biggest problem with my own scale is that I find it hard to believe that the Galaxy class Enterprise at "Encounter at Farpoint" is "passing the red line" at Warp 9.3 (8444c), and the crew being positively concerned that they are pushing their luck at warp 9.65 (12462c) when a ship (the refit Enterprise) from 78 years prior, has a nominal maximim speed of Warp Factor 12 (20,736c on my scale). I just can't see the Galaxy class E being as slow, or slower than its predecessor from 78 years prior, so there are problems.

    That reminds me- do you remember Chekov stating something about multiwarp speeds during "The Changeling"?
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2018
  6. KamenRiderBlade

    KamenRiderBlade Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 24, 2012
    I Whole Heartedly Concur that they did it all for the "Wrong Reasons".
    Lord Other likes this.
  7. KamenRiderBlade

    KamenRiderBlade Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 24, 2012
    You got to remember that the Enterprise Refit was using "The Old Warp Scale".
    The reason it looks broken is because in TNG they had that stupid hand drawn curve after Warp 9 which compresses everything into 9.XXX -> 10.0 which distorts how fast you're going.
    Warp Factor is just a simpler way of saying ##,### c.
    You say Warp ##.# instead of ##,###c.
    It's much easier to say.

    Maybe you have a math error with your calculation of how fast the Refit Connie is going?
    You got to remember that the TOS / Connie were using the old Warp Factor Scale.
    So your conversion to speed of light might not be accurate?

    As far as Voyager is concerned, it's max sustained cruise speed is Warp 9.975
    According to MA, the Refit Connie has a Maximum Speed of:
    - Warp 8 (max. cruise speed) ~= 512c
    - Warp 9 (emergency speed) ~= 729c
    According to Memory Alpha: using TOS Warp Scale

    Maybe you might have done some faulty math on TOS / Refit connie Warp Speeds?
  8. KamenRiderBlade

    KamenRiderBlade Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 24, 2012
    I don't remember much about TOS in all honesty.