Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year to everyone. I live in an area where it's forgotten because it's west of the precious ball in New York. Not that I'm bitter or anything... ;)
You know I ask this question every year and it's become kind of my Trekbbs tradition. To those who have been in 2012 for a good portion of the day already, have they invented the Flying car yet? ;)
It's gone 7am here in the UK, and I am beyond plastered. Happy new year you fucking beautiful people!!!!!!!!!!!
Probably won't be around for awhile(hey stop that clapping!:klingon:) so just wanted to wish a Happy New Year to everyone here and their loved ones and thank you for just being here.:beer:

I hope 2012 is a wonderful year for all of you. May all of your fondest wishes come true-- except, of course, for those that impact negatively on others.

My New Year's Eve was spent with Chinese food, and forcing my niece and nephew to watch the Twilight Zone and Three Stooges marathons. My nephew is going through his obnoxious adolescent phase, but my niece actually got into it. She also made it all the way to midnight and got to see Dick Clark usher in 2012.

And bless Dick Clark's heart; how I admire that guy. :mallory:
Still around 4 hours to go here in the UK, I'm huddled under a blanket with a hot drink and a seriously bad cold, yay...

I was in lying down with eyes firmly shut around the time you posted, suffering with a splitting migraine. Haven't had one of them in ages. Must be an end-of-year thing... anyway, no going out for me tonight either!

Fortunately, it's largely passed now, so with about an hour to go before midnight, have got back up and am watching Match of the Day. Some good games (and better results) today. :cool:

A (slightly early) Happy New Year to everyone!

Lucky you, I still feel utterly terrible :lol:
^^ Nice. There's at least one other version of that from a later year-- I should have it on my backup drive, I hope (if not, it's lost with the death of my laptop).

It's too bad we didn't get around to doing something like it this year.