Happy New Year!!!


Fleet Admiral
Premium Member
Happy New Year!! 2012 is now here on part of the Australia.

Let's hope everyone has a wonderful New Year's Eve.
Happy New Year.

An hour into the New Year here. Had a nice quiet one with family, just the way I like it.
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Headin' off to a party with the fiancée and a collection of my most awesome friends: food, booze, and fun assured. See you next year, TrekBBS. All the best!
Happy new Year to all of you that have had it, having it now, and are going to have it. STAY SAFE.
Happy New Year backatcha!
Still around 4 hours to go here in the UK, I'm huddled under a blanket with a hot drink and a seriously bad cold, yay...
^Sorry to hear that, Chemahkuu. I'm just getting over mine.

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy new year.
Still around 4 hours to go here in the UK, I'm huddled under a blanket with a hot drink and a seriously bad cold, yay...

I was in lying down with eyes firmly shut around the time you posted, suffering with a splitting migraine. Haven't had one of them in ages. Must be an end-of-year thing... anyway, no going out for me tonight either!

Fortunately, it's largely passed now, so with about an hour to go before midnight, have got back up and am watching Match of the Day. Some good games (and better results) today. :cool:

A (slightly early) Happy New Year to everyone!
Happy New Year, everyone.

I must be geting old. I went to bed at around 10pm on News Years Eve and wasn't even woken up by the fireworks :(