Germany exclusive Star Trek trilogy "Prometheus" coming in 2016

This is absolutely fantastic news! TrekLit has woefully ignored the implications of the Prometheus class. Now is the chance to set things right.
I just wonder how much collaboration the editorial teams will be having going forward. You want things to all line up and be heading in the same narrative direction.
This is cool. Viel Glück to Christian and Bernd with their novels! :bolian:

I hope we will have the opportunity to read them too, although it might be part of their deal that the Prometheus books only appear in the German rights territory; that's happened in the past with Stargate SG-1 and Indiana Jones tie-ins that were published in German but never in English...
CC wrote on their facebook page that these novels have to be translated for CBS, but until now it is unclear if they will be released in the US.
On the Facebook page, Star Trek Romane posted there are translations because CBS requires them to allow licensing but there is no plan to release those.
This is cool. Viel Glück to Christian and Bernd with their novels! :bolian:

I hope we will have the opportunity to read them too, although it might be part of their deal that the Prometheus books only appear in the German rights territory; that's happened in the past with Stargate SG-1 and Indiana Jones tie-ins that were published in German but never in English...

I think you English language authors had better btrush up on your German if everything is to tie in !

Either that or we see how much data Google Translate can scramble at once..
I read novels both in English and German, but I don't want to translate them because of the amount of time involved.
I read novels both in English and German, but I don't want to translate them because of the amount of time involved.

Don't worry about that. They have in-house translators, including the authors themselves.

I wonder if they're going to do an audiobook series as well, like they did with TTN.
This is absolutely fantastic news! TrekLit has woefully ignored the implications of the Prometheus class. Now is the chance to set things right.

Long, long ago, John Ordover said there was a possibility of destroying the Ambassador-class Excalibur in New Frontier and replacing it with a Prometheus-class. This was before the Excalibur trilogy.

Honestly, that's what this project makes me think of.

Either that or we see how much data Google Translate can scramble at once..

Google Translate can handle a lot. There was the German reference book to the novels that was released as an eBook last year; I used Calibre to pull an HTML file from it, Google Translate to translate the page, and Calibre to put it back together so I can read it.

It worked tolerably well.
I really like the idea that non-English-writing authors might get to draft original, licensed Trek fiction in their native tongues! That's cool, and seems very much in line with IDIC. Interesting development.
I really like the idea that non-English-writing authors might get to draft original, licensed Trek fiction in their native tongues! That's cool, and seems very much in line with IDIC. Interesting development.

Interesting point of view...:techman:
I really like the idea that non-English-writing authors might get to draft original, licensed Trek fiction in their native tongues! That's cool, and seems very much in line with IDIC. Interesting development.

I like the idea as well. I do hope that we get them in English at some point, and that Pocket somehow acknowledges or recognizes this trilogy in the English Treklit continuity. Only seems fair since this is clearly tied in to the Pocket continuity.
If I may chime in here ...

I hope we will have the opportunity to read them too, although it might be part of their deal that the Prometheus books only appear in the German rights territory; that's happened in the past with Stargate SG-1 and Indiana Jones tie-ins that were published in German but never in English...
As far as I know Cross Cult owns the rights to distribute the "Prometheus" trilogy worldwide. Editor Markus Rohde told Christian and me, there will be English e-books at least (professionally translated and proofread by native speakers of course - I translate novels from English to German, but my English is not good enough to do it the other way round).

Of cource we all hope for a printed version. :)
If I may chime in here ...

I hope we will have the opportunity to read them too, although it might be part of their deal that the Prometheus books only appear in the German rights territory; that's happened in the past with Stargate SG-1 and Indiana Jones tie-ins that were published in German but never in English...
As far as I know Cross Cult owns the rights to distribute the "Prometheus" trilogy worldwide. Editor Markus Rohde told Christian and me, there will be English e-books at least (professionally translated and proofread by native speakers of course - I translate novels from English to German, but my English is not good enough to do it the other way round).

Of cource we all hope for a printed version. :)

I'm curious how you will handle the continuity work with all the other authors or how the stories fit into the timeline. I'm currently reading the The Fall novels.....:)
As far as I know Cross Cult owns the rights to distribute the "Prometheus" trilogy worldwide. Editor Markus Rohde told Christian and me, there will be English e-books at least (professionally translated and proofread by native speakers of course - I translate novels from English to German, but my English is not good enough to do it the other way round).

Of cource we all hope for a printed version. :)

That's great to hear! I look forward to reading them...
This is really cool. Have new Trek novels ever been published for a foreign language like this?
I'm really glad to hear these will be released in English too.
I'm not real sure what to make of new tensions with the Klingons in the books. For quite a while the UFP and the Empire have been pretty consistently friendly, so it seems odd to me that they would turn on each other.
I'm curious how you will handle the continuity work with all the other authors or how the stories fit into the timeline.
First, we know the timeframe our story is set in very well. Christian translated "The Fall", I am translating "Takedown" and "Armageddon's Arrow" at the moment. We both read the "Typhon Pact" novels. We know the year 2385. :) Then you should not overestimate continuity issues. A lot of "Star Trek" novels just take place after one another without referencing each other very much. It is more a matter of who lives and who is dead and who is on which ship. Also we have our own ship (with a few cameo characters of course) and we took care to think of a story, that does not interfere with current storylines from our fellow writers from the US. Last but not least: We are now free to talk about the project and of course we will contact John Jackson Miller, who is writing the "Prey" trilogy at the moment, to tell him what we are doing.

Lastly Pocket Books can do what they want. We are just playing in their sandbox. But we do what we can to be mindful of the existing continuity. (And we are lucky: At the moment a lot of TOS, ENT and VOY novels are planned for 2016 - they all do not interfere with "Prometheus".)

This is really cool. Have new Trek novels ever been published for a foreign language like this?
As far as I know: No. This is the first time. It is a "Star Trek 50th Anniversary" gift from CBS/Paramount and Cross Cult for all the loyal German "Star Trek" readers and fans.

I'm not real sure what to make of new tensions with the Klingons in the books. For quite a while the UFP and the Empire have been pretty consistently friendly, so it seems odd to me that they would turn on each other.
Don't be too alarmed by the teasers. We are not planing to start a war! It is more like political (and some military) tensions about how to handle a certain third party aggressor. And let's face it: Just because Martok likes the Federation, that doesn't mean, there is no single hardliner in the Klingon High Council left.