Found this BSG Blog about Laura Roslin

Gingerbread Demon

I love Star Trek Discovery
Premium Member
Well specifically a blog about Laura Roslin

Some people just really get riled up even with a fictional TV character. Sure she wasn't one of my favourites and I would have rather she had turned out to be some secret Cylon but she is what she is and she really rankles my feathers but I don't think I'd have raised my voice this publicly about her character.

Just found the blog amusing in a twisted way.
Sure she wasn't one of my favourites and I would have rather she had turned out to be some secret Cylon but she is what she is and she really rankles my feathers but I don't think I'd have raised my voice this publicly about her character.
But then you did. ;)
Hey, really, thank you for posting that. I was worried that I was running a little low on my daily recommended intake of misogyny. But now I figure I'm probably good through the end of the month.
Wow, that person has amazingly little understanding of the show he is watching.

Sounds like he has a prescription in his head for the template of a good program, and judges the merits of the program entirely on how well it meets that template.

Laura Roslin doubts her actions all the time, just she's in a position where she can't project those doubts to anyone except her closest circle.

And 'Driven by external threats'? Give me a break, the show is about the internal thought process, balancing practicality with moral philosophy and questions such as human identity when mankind is pushed to its breaking point by an external threat.
I completely understand this blog. I agree with the fact that I can't think of a single character on any other show that is one of the main protagonists that I hate more than Roslin. Though not because she's poorly written, or acted, in fact she was portrayed perfectly, she's just evil. Sure not an overtly Cain-esque evil, but evil nonetheless in an arrogant, tyrannical, power corrupts kind of way.