For the Imperium...

Are the pairs of nacelles line-of-sight with each other doing their warp effect thing a la Roddenberry's Rules?

If not, there may be too many nacelles here for me. Like maybe the two nearest the body or the two on the wings could be sensor pods or Klingon Bird-of-Prey-like weapons or Galactica-like shuttlebays.

Also, I wonder if the wingtips and tail could have been less feathery and more organic like the D'deridex, but I may be partial as that is my end-all favorite Romulan ship.

That said, this ship is amazing, and I always enjoy your designs so much. So much creativity and distinctiveness that I wish the canon were closer to.
First off: Thanks mate! I truly appreciate the feedback and praise... most humbling :)
The D'deridex is arguably the most beautiful vessel in sci-fi-dom, so to even have vessels be compared to her is further humbling for me. Again, my thanks.
Now for your questions:
The nacelles are "ala roddenberry's rules" . (I do not always subscribe to them, but I like to challenge myself with them on occasion.) Besides, I feel that the 4 nacelles give the vessel, a very ww2-esque bomber feel :)

I would never give Romulans "shuttle pods" like the galactica, their ships are too graceful for something just "there". lol

This Ship is post D'deridex, and as such, I added more bird-like features to her. And as I've stated earlier, this ship was solely a design inspired by Rodan's "barrel roll" in Godzilla: KotM :)

Hope that helps some :)
My next endeavor:

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Eye-popping as always @Atolm. Though I think the space between the hulls is too cramped. They look like if someone were standing on the lower hull they could reach up to touch the upper, and there isn't enough head-scratching mystique or as much elegance in that amount of space, detracting from the overall effect.

Also, maybe be careful not to make the back of the ship too standard. The front is so dazzling, and if it's attached to a run-of-the-mill body, it runs the risk of appearing like a facade instead of a warning.
Tal Sh'iar warbird Aen'iurret-Class phase cloak prototype:

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I like the double front -- reminds me of those first two seated Romulans we saw in TNG's "The Neutral Zone." (I was going to say the Cylon Heavy Raider too, but in retrospect, not so much.) The wings look like those on the Vulcan ship Vahklas. Not sure how I feel about the pod. It's a little too square (rectangular) for me, not that they're unusual for Romulan design, if more in their architecture than ship design. If you didn't say phase-cloak, I would have thought it was a lander or even tank of some kind.
Eye-popping as always @Atolm. Though I think the space between the hulls is too cramped. They look like if someone were standing on the lower hull they could reach up to touch the upper, and there isn't enough head-scratching mystique or as much elegance in that amount of space, detracting from the overall effect.

Also, maybe be careful not to make the back of the ship too standard. The front is so dazzling, and if it's attached to a run-of-the-mill body, it runs the risk of appearing like a facade instead of a warning.

I like the double front -- reminds me of those first two seated Romulans we saw in TNG's "The Neutral Zone." (I was going to say the Cylon Heavy Raider too, but in retrospect, not so much.) The wings look like those on the Vulcan ship Vahklas. Not sure how I feel about the pod. It's a little too square (rectangular) for me, not that they're unusual for Romulan design, if more in their architecture than ship design. If you didn't say phase-cloak, I would have thought it was a lander or even tank of some kind.
Thanks! I think you might have missed the original design on the Praetor's Glory (she is supposed to be an "Airforce One" for the Roms):



So being a large vessel, I do not believe that a person could reach up and touch the other But see what you mean though :D just made me laugh :)

As for the Tal Sh'iar vessel, I like to mix up all shapes and try to show that different manufacturers would be commissioned to build vessels. So this one has a bit more bulk to her, and more hard lines than some of my others :)

I am always envious of guys like yourself who can sketch so well.
Thank you, but do not be envious (if you can help it), as art is very subjective :) I've been doing this for a very, very long time now. Be well :)