For the Imperium...


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This would be a nightmare to model but I think it would look intimidating as hell. Fantastic work!
Thanks! Though I must apologize that the dorsal may not match 100% to the has been extremely hot where I live, and without AC, my concentration is totally fubar. I am just glad I have been able to give you guys the "gist" oft it.
I wish you would tackle a Romulan design with space in the middle like the warbird.

To me that exotic configuration is so intriguing and as signature to 24th century Romulans as the green hulls or even the bird motif.
I wish you would tackle a Romulan design with space in the middle like the warbird.

To me that exotic configuration is so intriguing and as signature to 24th century Romulans as the green hulls or even the bird motif.
Thanks! I've done Romulan ships in the way you have suggested, I just tend to use them very sparingly, and usually for the alternate reality version of them in the Romulan Republic.
Awesome! Welcome back! It’s been a minute since your last post; I was afraid we wouldn’t be seeing any more of your great art…
I am glad you guys like the design!

Awesome! Welcome back! It’s been a minute since your last post; I was afraid we wouldn’t be seeing any more of your great art…
Thanks. I've been around posting comments here and there, but I've been tied up... Also I have not been drawing a lot of Trek, but been doing a lot of other SciFi franchises like Star Wars, and Stargate... So I had not wanted to post that stuff in a Trek forum. If you are curious, they are posted on my Deviantart page.

Great to see you back indeed, hope all is well with you. :mallory::techman:
And that's a spiffy shiny new design you've got there. :D
Thanks bro! RL has still been kicking my ass, I have a lot going on... But as I just replied to 137th Gebirg, I have been doing a lot of art, just not Trek related. So with nothing to post, I have not been.
Welcome back! Hope RL has smoothed out for you.

Looks awesome!
Feels like the wings could unfurl for something like landing, something like a peacock, gets spiffy for a grand entrance, like a Praetor 1 government Ship . :)