First look at Klingons in 'Star Trek: Discovery'?

For those who don't want to go digging

First the Planet of the Titans Enterprise and now these Klingons. Team Discovery seem to have a thing for unused/early concepts from Treks past. I wonder if the stories and characters will reflect this attitude.
I don't buy for one second that these are actual members of the Klingon species, but if they are just another different alien race that is part of the Klingon Empire, I'm OK with it.

Truly one of the most Out-of-the-box-thinking ideas I've seen sofar!!!! Love it!!!!!
First the Planet of the Titans Enterprise and now these Klingons. Team Discovery seem to have a thing for unused/early concepts from Treks past. I wonder if the stories and characters will reflect this attitude.

It seems to be the fashion of the day -- Star Wars: Rebels and to a lesser extent The Force Awakens have gone the exact same route when it comes to old designs. I'm not sure it means anything narriatively.
Guys, I think Averof is saying that he sees similarities to Draconians.

You must have missed it the first time. Hence why you all failed to declare 'so say we all!', and laugh uproariously with heads thrown back.

So...*rubs hands together gleefully*...who's ready for the Vulcan's makeovers?
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Guys, I think Averof is saying that he sees similarities to Draconians.

You must have missed it the first time. Hence why you all failed to declare 'so say we all!', and laugh uproariously with heads thrown back.

Seems to happen a lot.

Repetition never seems to help.
Interesting look. Perhaps a related "Klingonoid" species or something? As Christopher often points out, an empire by its very definition should not just be made up of one race. So maybe we finally see the Klingon Empire actually being an empire. I'm not a big fan of the ears (just like I wasn't a big fan of the ears on the guy in ST:ID), but I can live with that.

Also, I wonder if this "leak" was actually OK'ed by the execs as part of a viral marketing campaign or something.

ST:TMP was a boring pile of junk and probably the worst of the TOS movies, so anything it had the idea for would be suspect even if it wasn't stupid.


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A post from Doug Fitz in another group: So no one is confused these are empty costumes on the set around that table with the face attached. Is only one actor in the background wearing his appliance. Worf was in makeup 4+ hours to do the prosthetics, these suits allow the actors to slip into character and reduce makeup to about 30 mins. Pretty much all the new aliens will be using this slip in suits to greatly speed up this process.
Oh dear, I can't say I like this.

Klingons are my favourite Star Trek species, so this worries me. Now, I have no problems with updating the look, I really didn't expect to see flatheaded TOS Klingons. One of my biggest peeves with Trek is the too human looking aliens, so making the Klingons more alien looking is fine by me, I just don't like the direction. They look too sleek and not brutal. I think removing all the hair is a mistake. The other problem is the armour design, which is just bad. It tries too much to look cool and ends up looking lame. Reminds me of Remans. This makes me worried about the production design of the show in general. Sometimes less is more.
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The Klingon in the photo look like a Renaissance Klingon model :D

BTW, what kind of Beast that the Klingon originated from? Are they reptilian? Mammalian? bug, bird or something else? If they are mammalian, then what kind of mammalian, are they? A lion model, a wolf model, hyena model?
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There's going to have to be some major explaining involved if they want us as an audience to buy whatever these things are as Klingons, especially since the series has been confirmed to be set in the "Prime" timeline and we know what Klingons looked like at this point in the story and there's no good reason why they shouldn't have stuck to those designs (either the "smooth-headed" Augment look or the "bumpy forehead" look).
There's going to have to be some major explaining involved if they want us as an audience to buy whatever these things are as Klingons, especially since the series has been confirmed to be set in the "Prime" timeline and we know what Klingons looked like at this point in the story and there's no good reason why they shouldn't have stuck to those designs (either the "smooth-headed" Augment look or the "bumpy forehead" look).

It's easy. If human can be bald, why not Klingon? Hair style is a subject of culture and trend. For example, the modern of human tend to shaved their beard and has short hair (for the majority of men in this world). But long time ago, men has long hair and beard. So, it is the same as Klingon. Maybe to be bald is the trend of the era. Or maybe they are a part of organization that force the member to cut their hair and become bald. Just like a Human monk from Buddhist monastery.

For the clothes, it is the same. Just look at the Federation uniforms. They always change. So why can't Klingon change their clothes / uniforms too? I'm sick with the TNG biker gang model of Klingon's clothes. These spiky armor is a nice change for the them.
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There's going to have to be some major explaining involved if they want us as an audience to buy whatever these things are as Klingons,
I don't know about "us", but me as a audience has no problem with their look.
especially since the series has been confirmed to be set in the "Prime" timeline and we know what Klingons looked like at this point in the story and there's no good reason why they shouldn't have stuck to those designs (either the "smooth-headed" Augment look or the "bumpy forehead" look).
They look pretty bumpy to me.