Finding the season too dark? Colors desaturated? Some TV setting suggestions...

Or they could just, you know have lit the thing well.
Exactky. I think they tried to save on money by just having the console lights and the neon accents provide most of the light. It's failed miserably. The lighting person should be fired if it was his idea.
Or they could just, you know have lit the thing well.

i've never seen a show or movie lit this dark.

I'm sorry, but no. Like OP suggested, the first thing I did with my tv when I got a few years ago was google settings suggestions. Mine are a bit different because of personal taste. But Picard is not nearly as darkly lit as some movies or shows I have watched in the past on this screen.
I'd take OP's suggestions and fiddle with the settings. It really will make a difference.
Terry Matalas said Disengaged had a color saturation problem and Paramount plus had to fix the problem and also posted yesterday said it was fixed on Twitter.
I'm sorry, but no. Like OP suggested, the first thing I did with my tv when I got a few years ago was google settings suggestions. Mine are a bit different because of personal taste. But Picard is not nearly as darkly lit as some movies or shows I have watched in the past on this screen.
I'd take OP's suggestions and fiddle with the settings. It really will make a difference.
With the right settings you can even see the Battle of Winterfell against the White Walkers fully illuminated :)