Federation 'Scout' - USS DiBarticot


Vice Admiral
Another 3d doodle from me, though this time I tried to make it something more on topic and attempted to keep at least a little of the federation aesthetic to it.

I imagine this is a small scouting vessel with about 3 decks and a crew around a dozen. Lightly armed and armored but too hard to catch or hit for either to make much difference.

The main hull needs some tweaking, and I need to figure out what kind of bridge/defector she'll have, but this is the main shape so crits and suggestions should come now rather than after I've added those things.

I like the overall shape. It's in the ST:N era?

It has a lot of complex shapes that I'm seeing as not having any real design purposes. So if you could clarify the reason behind those shapes (eg. particularly in the aft section), that would be great. It could be assumed that the non-traditional design comes from other (non-terran) Federation member influences...

With it being 3 decks, a traditional bridge on top would be nice in my opinion. If it were smaller, I'd go for a run-about type bridge. Small, and efficient.

Time to go to work- will slack on the TrekBBS when I get there!
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I like the overall shape. It's in the ST:N era?

It has a lot of complex shapes that I'm seeing as not having any real design purposes. So if you could clarify the reason behind those shapes (eg. particularly in the aft section), that would be great. It could be assumed that the non-traditional design comes from other (non-terran) Federation member influences...

With it being 3 decks, a traditional bridge on top would be nice in my opinion. If it were smaller, I'd go for a run-about type bridge. Small, and efficient.

Time to go to work- will slack on the TrekBBS when I get there!
It is literally a doodle, so I wasn't really thinking much about technical needs for the various shapes. As I refine it further I'll see about that stuff. Currently the main hull is just mirrored top and bottom, but the bottom is getting heavily altered when I put in the deflector. The back was intended to be the main impulse exhaust, and later as a potential shuttle bay (very very small shuttle) but I'm not exactly sure what it will end up. Again, with the doodling I don't really think this stuff through.

I imagine it as pre-DW, a kind of testbed for some of the new technologies that ended up in ships like the defiant and Enterprise E.

And no, no separation. A ship this small doesn't really call for it.
I like everything about it except for the fact it's a Federation ship.

It might be better suited for an alien race.

Perhaps one we've heard of, but who's vessels we've never seen like...the Rigellians or something.
Well I kind of hit a brick wall as I was refining the design, but in doing so I found some new shapes I really want to try out on a new design. This one is probably going to go on the backburner for a while as I play with it.