Farewell To GSchnitzer


Romulan Curmudgeon
TrekBBS has received the sad news came we have lost one of our moderators. GSchnitzer, known in real life as Greg Schnitzer, who has passed away after years of health issues. This news comes courtesy of James Cawley's Facebook page.

Greg's passing is a real loss to Trek fandom and to our BBS too. A producer on Cawley's Star Trek: New Voyages, he gave generously of his time to moderate the TrekBBS Fan Productions forum. It was not an easy job as creating new Star Trek can be a passionate matter at times, and Greg had to deal with various factions and the occasional ego problem, but he handled the duties well; being even-handed, good-natured, and fair to everyone.

Trek fans remember Greg as being very knowledgeable about props and Star Trek sets, and willing to share his expertise with fellow enthusiasts.

A memorial thread for Greg is in the Fan Productions forum.

Rest in peace, Greg, and we will miss you.