Fantastic Four reboot?

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by Norrin Radd, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. Norrin Radd

    Norrin Radd Vice Admiral

    Mar 18, 2003
    There are certain laws in this universe and one is that Fox can't make a good movie.

    In fact, they love to fuck movies up the ass.

    It's just a fact. Everyone knows this. You can't argue it.

    Even when they start a movie fresh with a cool director, and everybody's optimistic, and the fans are loving it...

    ...they proceed to ass fuck the living shit out of it.


    So, anyway, here are new rumours of an FF reboot...retooled? Yeah right. I'll believe it after I see the fucking movie and not one minute before, because this company has not earned the benefit of the doubt.

  2. Small White Car

    Small White Car Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 3, 2001
    Washington D.C.
    Wow. I'm shocked the first two made that much money.

    I thought the real problem with the films was that nobody really cares about FF. (What's next? The Wonder Twins?)

    But with those numbers, apparently SOMEONE cares, so I wish them luck with a new one!
  3. No Jessica Alba??? No need to throw the baby out with the bathwater :)
  4. Dream

    Dream Admiral Admiral

    Dec 2, 2001
    Derry, Maine
    FOX will need a good director and some good actors. Good luck on that.
  5. LutherSloan

    LutherSloan Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Aug 18, 2008
    Doing the Federation's dirty work
    So far the only good FOX superhero film has been X-2. That's all.

    As far as rebooting FF, why didn't they consider this before they made FF2? I think now the odds of this happening are low. At least when The Hulk was rebooted there was only one film in the original 'series' that failed. A 'Daredevil' reboot would work in the same way because there was no sequel (unless you count 'Elektra', which I doubt many would).
  6. wamdue

    wamdue Admiral Admiral

    Sep 30, 2001
    no matter what happens, the general public will still asscoaite it with the first two movies, sure we fanboys may knows its a reboot but no one else will care.
  7. Thrall

    Thrall Commodore Commodore

    Jun 12, 2007
    A Quesada Free Zone.
    Honestly, they really weren't that badly written as some superhero movies. Just badly cast for the most part. Sure Abla is a bad actress, but Sue is a bland character so it really didn't bother me. Mr. Fantastic was a very forgettable performance, but he didn't do anything bad there either. Chris Evans was very fun as Johnny and Vick Mackey was great as The Thing(bad makeup aside). What made them bad was the choices of villians. Or rather, what they did with the villians. Doctor Doom was an awful Lex Luthor clone and Galactus as a cloud was unforgivable.
  8. cb31

    cb31 Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Apr 4, 2008
    No kidding! It will be hard to get someone hotter than Alba to sign on for this!
  9. Aragorn

    Aragorn Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Dec 30, 2002
    How about Scarlett Johansson? And they don't even need to dye her hair. With her onboard, could they get Ryan Reynolds too?
  10. LutherSloan

    LutherSloan Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Aug 18, 2008
    Doing the Federation's dirty work
    Those are good ideas, actually.

    Who would make a decent Dr. Doom though?
  11. Spaceman Spiff

    Spaceman Spiff Intrepid Explorer Administrator

    Jun 21, 2001
    I think they should Vader him. Get a big guy to dress in the armor, then have a classically trained actor do his voice.
  12. Dream

    Dream Admiral Admiral

    Dec 2, 2001
    Derry, Maine
    I'm just glad I won't have to refer to the next actor playing Doctor Doom as "That guy from Nip/Tuck"! Hopefully they won't go the Norman Osborn lite route this time. :p
  13. Hermiod

    Hermiod Admiral Admiral

    Mar 16, 2006
    Personally, I quite enjoyed the two movies they made. Yes, they were lightweight but I did not mind that. Not every superhero movie has to be some Dark Knight-style misery (don't get me wrong, The Dark Knight was last year's best film for me).

    The Fantastic Four aren't the right group for that sort of movie. I like the fact that they made movies for a family audience.
  14. Skywalker

    Skywalker Admiral Admiral

    Feb 24, 2005
    Finally. Maybe now we can get Rachel McAdams as Sue.

    It's too bad they can't keep Chiklis and Evans. They were great.
  15. hyzmarca

    hyzmarca Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Feb 9, 2009
    They should forget about redoing the origin and skip right to the part where Sue becomes a dominatrix.
  16. Icemizer

    Icemizer Commodore Commodore

    Dec 29, 2008
    The two movies failed because of bad villian syndrome. The guy playing Doom sucked and was completely unbelievable as someone who could take on the entire FF. You replace him with a strong character and suddenly the entire movie changes in tone and becomes darker. Even his voice was wrong for the part. I didnt mind the quasi Ultimate Universe origin for them and felt Chiklis and Evans were perfect casting.
  17. whospi

    whospi Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Sep 4, 2007
    personally i liked both films, the second one was far more enjoying than many bloated 'epics' that came out the same year like pirates 3 and spiderman3

    plus i love the fact that in the middle of this popcorn movie they start making political points about extraordinary rendition and torture

    jessica alba was terribl though, nice to look at but terrible!
  18. Gojirob

    Gojirob Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Nov 10, 2001
    Going Super Diclonius 4...
    During one of the 9,000 or so FX showings of the movies, I envisioned Toby's Spidey facing down Julian's Doom and Toby complaining that he quips more often than the web-head!

    Hopefully, this version of Doom doesn't come back as often as he did on Charmed.
  19. Nardpuncher

    Nardpuncher Rear Admiral

    Nov 17, 2003
    I agree. they were fun.
  20. C.E. Evans

    C.E. Evans Admiral Admiral

    Nov 22, 2001
    Ferguson, Missouri, USA
    I'm fairly sure the motivation behind this is to do a "Fantastic Four Begins," but if they go that route, the stakes should be higher (like an invasion from space or from the Negative Zone). No Doctor Doom trying to take over the world (hopefully in big style) until the second movie, IMO...