Facepalm Moments

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Voyager' started by Adm_Hawthorne, Apr 9, 2010.

  1. Ensign Johnson

    Ensign Johnson Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    May 27, 2010
    Wales, UK
    Loved this episode. I didn't get how giant viruses worked or why they could float but I didn't care. Janeway running around Voyager in a vest with her big gun and knife, gotta love it. Can't imagine Picard or Sisko doing that somehow.
  2. Dancing Doctor

    Dancing Doctor Admiral Admiral

    Jul 7, 2006
    I could see Sisko doing it. Not necessarily the stabbing thing, but I could definitely see him running around the Defiant or Deep Space 9 and shooting giant mucilaginous compound bags.

    Another *facepalm* episode for me Revulsion. I went "Really?" several times during this episode. As in "Really? Oily sweat?" (among other things) during Dejaren's rants. Or "Really? More Kim/7 stuff? Really? Oh, come on."
  3. Ensign Johnson

    Ensign Johnson Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    May 27, 2010
    Wales, UK
    But Sisko wouldn't look as good in a vest.

    I did like how Seven's straight to the point attitude frightened Harry. Bless his little cotton socks. He was very annoying in Nightingale but Seven rolling her eyes at him made me laugh.
  4. Dancing Doctor

    Dancing Doctor Admiral Admiral

    Jul 7, 2006
    Harry tended to annoy me quite a bit of the time.

    And I think you're right about the vest.
  5. Adm_Hawthorne

    Adm_Hawthorne Admiral Admiral

    Dec 26, 2002
    Not really sure anymore
    "Kirk looked good in ripped shirts; Picard looked good without a shirt; Janeway would look... no, they can't do that on network television."

    I rest my case, thank you. ;)
  6. Ensign Johnson

    Ensign Johnson Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    May 27, 2010
    Wales, UK
    I think my fav reason for Janeway being the best captain is: "Slouches in her chair even in critical life-threatening moments".
  7. Adm_Hawthorne

    Adm_Hawthorne Admiral Admiral

    Dec 26, 2002
    Not really sure anymore
    I just quoted my favorite one. :lol:
  8. Dancing Doctor

    Dancing Doctor Admiral Admiral

    Jul 7, 2006
    I love those! Here are some of my favorites:

  9. Adm_Hawthorne

    Adm_Hawthorne Admiral Admiral

    Dec 26, 2002
    Not really sure anymore
    This is another favorite of mine.
  10. Leroy Langley

    Leroy Langley Ensign Red Shirt

    Jul 4, 2010
    Every time the crew uses techno-babble. It annoys he crap out of me, they use it for everything, ranging from normal day to day activities, to naming food items, to labeling intimate situations.

    Also, when half the ship is torn apart, then it's all put back together again in time for the next episode.
  11. vas2009

    vas2009 Captain Captain

    Apr 18, 2010
    Wherever you go, there you are.

    Ummm yeah! What else do they have to do? There are only two holodecks!
  12. Dancing Doctor

    Dancing Doctor Admiral Admiral

    Jul 7, 2006
    I never minded the whole "OMG TEH VOYGER IS TEH ROOINED!11!" situation, because

    a) B'Elanna can just scare things into working by giving them her evil eye; and
    b) I always assumed there were repair stations or something similar along the way.

    It's not like the Delta Quadrant is completely empty.
  13. Finn

    Finn Bad Batch of TrekBBS Admiral

    Mar 30, 2006
    Yeah, but at least a handful of them wouldn't welcome an unfamiliar ship. Remember, for the first two years or so, Voyager passed through a region of space where they had a reputation of being "the death ship". also the use of repair stations implies using engineer teams from said station which would mean the crew would have to teach them how things work on Voyager.....
  14. froot

    froot Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    May 25, 2010
    Guarding the Compound with the Grey Wardens
    I wouldn't have minded a middle ground on the whole "ship be damaged, yo" situation. One one hand, Janeway would have been silly to let her ship look half-destroyed all the time; aliens would have pounced on Voyager like a sick gazelle.

    However, while I don't think Voyager needed to be running around looking like Swiss cheese every episode, a few scorch marks/dings in the hull at least wouldn't have been amiss. I mean, who's going to take the time to scrub off every single mark? We saw Voyager get a good overhaul eventually, but that was in Season 7. I'm sure Janeway sent some hapless fools out to "swab the deck" every now and then, but I can't believe they could clean every square inch of that thing.

    And, anyway, a little texture adds character. :)

    ...And my facepalm moment?

    "Time's up."

    Oh, Kathryn, I know you're not very good at one-liners, but couldn't you have prepped something a little better for your otherwise cool death scene?
  15. Dancing Doctor

    Dancing Doctor Admiral Admiral

    Jul 7, 2006
    I think she had Joe Carey and Samantha Wildman out there scrubbing the hull. That's why we barely saw them. :vulcan:

    And I kinda liked "Time's up.", but then again I was caught in the moment.