"Equinox", something puzzles me...


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Red Shirt
How come there were never even passing references to the "Equinox" in the previous episodes? I know that Voyager had it's continuity problems, but one would expect at least a note from Starfleet, once comunication was established in "Message in a Bottle", saying that another Starfleet vessel was missing and asking if Voyager might know something about them? A major flaw in what was otherwise a good story IMO.
I don't think it was a major flaw at all. Indeed, it wasn't even relevant at the time. No one knew what happened to the Equinox. Heck, no one knew what happened to the Voyager for many years. Both ships were believed lost with all hands aboard and likely were considered victims of the deadly Badlands.

The fate of the Equinox was probably revealed offscreen to Starfleet in the Voyager's logs, however...
Its kind of like no-one ever knew what happened to the ship Geordie's Mother Captained in TNG. (I am remembering that correctly, aren't I? Wasn't her ship declared lost in one of the eps?)
I think that the Federation probably lost dozens a ships a year due to misadventure during peacetime and a few of them just turned up a few weeks later laughing about a broken subspace radio antenna, however this was a period of war, and the Dominion was wacking off dozens of ships a week.

I believe that Janeway knew that the Equinox was "missing" and she knew the Captain by Reputation.
they maybe didnt say anything cause they didnt know it was in the delta quadrant. the ship could of been destroyed for any1 knew
How come there were never even passing references to the "Equinox" in the previous episodes? I know that Voyager had it's continuity problems, but one would expect at least a note from Starfleet, once comunication was established in "Message in a Bottle", saying that another Starfleet vessel was missing and asking if Voyager might know something about them? A major flaw in what was otherwise a good story IMO.

The Equinox was lost in early 2371. During that year the Defiant returns from its Gamma Quadrant mission and brings back information about the Founders. Voyager is lost, Thomas Riker steals the Defiant to help the Maquis (who are also getting to be a big deal around this time), the Enterprise-D is destroyed, the Obsidian Order and Tal Shiar launch a failed attack on the Dominion, and it is discovered that the Founders had infiltrated the Alpha Quadrant.

The next year, 2372, sees the Federation-Klingon War begin, among other things.

To put it bluntly, they had more to worry about than one or two lost ships, especially a science vessel and a slightly larger long range patrol and exploration vessel.