Enterprise Quiz

Well here is a stumper courtesy of Tiberius:

What ball game if played semi nude reminds Phlox of a fertility contest?
And of which species?
I agree with I am surak and LT rowy that is a little to vague could you ask another
Ok to get the ball back rolling I will ask a question

What year was the time traveler that came to visit archer from
I'll jump in... Who piloted the drone ship in Babel One, United, and The Aenar?
I was ready to cut myself with an ushaan-tor because I could not find it but here we go:

The pilot is Admiral Shran's future wife Jhamel's brother Gareb.

Which bears the question? What is Shran's first name?
That lizard girl with the brown scales from "Unexpected". Can't remember her name.

An actress with a small but noticable part in one of the TNG movies had a major role in an episode of Enterprise. Which TNG movie and which Enterprise episode was it, and what were the names of her characters in each?
To star it up again I will ask a new question

Name the woman archer met on risa
Well this seems dead, but I will never let it die :)

What is Dr phlox's first name?