Enterprise-D Captain's Yacht Concept Design - Calypso

A few more progress shots - what a finale, huh!?







She'll be almost ready to fly here soon - I have a few more details I want to button up and I want to stage the interior a little more. I'm also going to try and produce some 'slip sheets' to match the look of the ST:TNG Tech Manual as an addendum to describe this yacht's features. Will be able to create nice plan, section and iso views in that cool CAD style. Stay tuned!
Lovely stuff mate! The space whales are the final cherry on the cake!
You got any shots of the lower level as it looks in that space scene?
Lovely stuff mate! The space whales are the final cherry on the cake!
You got any shots of the lower level as it looks in that space scene?

Thanks brother! Much appreciated :)

The space whales are our boys in blue in Cetacean Ops! I figure every now and then it would be nice to let them get out and stretch their fins. I'd like to rough together the inside of the saucer yacht docking deck and cetacean ops to show how they interface together but I like the idea of the whales 'swimming' (with shields or some other life support provided by the yacht) great distances occasionally to sync their galactic whale brain nav compasses with the Enterprise computer

I still have a ton of work to do on staging and detailing the interior but here are a few shots of the lower level. I decided to flip the aquarium to the front and the 'ten forward' door to the back by the airlock because I thought it took better advantage of the space. I also want to explore a window from the helm station down through the conn so that the pilot can see out of the bottom of the hull through that window in front of the fish tank while flying (the FOV of the pilot is ridiculously wide open in this thing and I kind of like it. It would be a good place for junior officer / command officer qualifications and practice to take place)




The conference room needs a lot of detailing love but I think the bones are feeling good. I like how much it gets to take advantage of the dome oculus above without being weird for the folks upstairs looking at 'em.


Here's some of the linework of the interior model - I haven't really added much to the side rooms yet other than some generic quarters stuff, but I'd like to show a holodeck module, science lab module, etc. too. The whole deck plate of the lower level is modular so even the conference room could come out and be replaced with a way denser payload depending on the mission / need

The further along you go with this the more I like it. Well done!
Thanks - that's really nice of you to say. It's been really fun for me to see it come into focus over several (dozen) iterations as well while the whole TNG aesthetic has been sort-of coming back into vogue...

Realized I didn't post any angles of the PHAT impulse engines - I wanted them to have that sort of Excelsior feel (I want to model the black insets for these as well) while also looking like a Type 7 or even a Type 15 shuttle propulsion wise. It also has a ventral disc-shaped impulse drive for planetary takeoff (hopefully more successful at this than contemporary starships lol)


Here are the line views as they stand - still working through a few of the details but overall it's at a happy place I think. I need to model in the TNG era thruster packs soon






Starboard Quarter Isometric

Starboard Aft Isometric
Ooh, those sketch drawings / technical schematics are fabulous! Very intricately designed! Plus, those are probably the cutest warp nacelles I have ever seen, even beating Voyager's tiny engines. I love it!

What irritates me a bit about your more photorealistic renders is that none of the windows appear to have any glass in them. I guess that's done on purpose, but I guess if you were to add even a subtle glass reflection and refraction, it could do wonders to make this look even more like a Trek ship design.
The interior designs are great! They fit the design aesthetics of the time well.

I always envisioned that it had a warp "ring" that makes up its outer edge, and it flys top first at warp.

I can't recall if it was supposed to be warp capable or not, but if it is, I like that idea for the warp drive.

Here's a quick flyover test - not sure if GIFs work on the board or not tho so YMMV

Ooh, those sketch drawings / technical schematics are fabulous! Very intricately designed! Plus, those are probably the cutest warp nacelles I have ever seen, even beating Voyager's tiny engines. I love it!

What irritates me a bit about your more photorealistic renders is that none of the windows appear to have any glass in them. I guess that's done on purpose, but I guess if you were to add even a subtle glass reflection and refraction, it could do wonders to make this look even more like a Trek ship design.

Thanks! Re: windows - that's just an artistic choice. Kind of a 'think like a set designer' sort of concession. I also like how open it makes things for setting up shots, flythroughs, etc. without glare. In universe, we'll just say that transparent aluminum has a low reflectivity coefficient haha

I always envisioned that it had a warp "ring" that makes up its outer edge, and it flys top first at warp.

That's a neat idea, but for this one I wanted to keep with the detached nacelle language of the Type 6, 7, 15, Runabout that are contemporaneous. Plus aesthetically I just love the TNG era nacelles so they aren't going anywhere. Still have to play with the retraction / deployment system though.

Love that line art!

Thanks! I love the Sternback blueprints and Tech Manual line art style. An ambition with this would be to create an 'addendum' to the Tech Manual to elaborate on the yacht design and provide schematics that match the visual style of the tech manual pages.
I had always assumed it was sublight

The Tech Manual states that it is sublight, but the tech manual also gets the yacht's size completely wrong. When we scale the yacht off of the 1701-D model/blueprints and compare the yacht to other known shuttle or aux craft types, it just doesn't make any sense for it to not have warp capability at that scale (nor do I personally like the storytelling restrictions of sublight only, but YMMV):




Also here are those establishing shot tests since GIFs don't play nice:

(OT) Curse you, Imgur! The whole damn site seems to have run out of space at Amazon Web Services, so nobody using them has working images today (yours, @Warped9 ’s “Unseen TOS” thread, etc.)

(OT) Curse you, Imgur! The whole damn site seems to have run out of space at Amazon Web Services, so nobody using them has working images today (yours, @Warped9 ’s “Unseen TOS” thread, etc.)


sorry about that (what’s not on aws these days lol) - hope it comes back up soon. Any recommendations for alternative hosting are welcome imgur is just convenient