ENT Forum Get To Know You Thread Pt 2

Hi everyone! I'm not sure if anyone here remembers me, but this used to be my usual hangout when I was active 10 years ago (man, how time flies). As you can tell by my avatar, I'm an original Trek fan that also liked ENT (and T'Pol :drool:). I still think one of my old introductory posts are at the beginning of this thread. Most of my other posts are now in Internet oblivion.

I came back to this board to check for news about that new Trek show that's coming, and to my surprise I found that my account was still around, so here I am! I'm not sure how active I'll be, but back in the heydays of 2004-2006 it was a crazy amount of activity.

So again, hello everyone, and I hope to see at least a few familiar faces.:beer:
Thanks! Not sure how much I could help. I'm far from fluent :)
Maybe just some moral support from a fellow North American (albeit farther north than me, I'm in the US) as I stumble my way through the grammar, lol.

So again, hello everyone, and I hope to see at least a few familiar faces.:beer:
omg Kevin! Welcome back. There's always room here for more T'Pol love! Although Yanks may not see it that way. ;)
Maybe just some moral support from a fellow North American (albeit farther north than me, I'm in the US) as I stumble my way through the grammar, lol.

Well, that I could do :) And actually, since I no longer live in Japan, I need to find a way to prevent Japanese from disappearing from my mind. Going to study every day, even though my wife is Japanese and it's my daughter's first language.
Hi everyone! I'm not sure if anyone here remembers me, but this used to be my usual hangout when I was active 10 years ago (man, how time flies). As you can tell by my avatar, I'm an original Trek fan that also liked ENT (and T'Pol :drool:). I still think one of my old introductory posts are at the beginning of this thread. Most of my other posts are now in Internet oblivion.

I came back to this board to check for news about that new Trek show that's coming, and to my surprise I found that my account was still around, so here I am! I'm not sure how active I'll be, but back in the heydays of 2004-2006 it was a crazy amount of activity.

So again, hello everyone, and I hope to see at least a few familiar faces.:beer:

I most certainly remember you as I was the forum Mod before getting unceremoniously booted for trying to control the handful of trolls. HR is great in this forum and, thankfully, all the past trolls are but distant memories. ENT is still my #2 series, just behind TNG, and I too have a -ummmm- soft spot in my heart for T'pol.
Well, that I could do :) And actually, since I no longer live in Japan, I need to find a way to prevent Japanese from disappearing from my mind. Going to study every day, even though my wife is Japanese and it's my daughter's first language.
I want to study every day, but finding the time has been a challenge. You set a fine example. :) And I have no doubt that your daughter will enjoy helping Dad study. :biggrin:
Hi everyone, would you believe I only discovered yesterday that this site exists?
Delighted to find that there's still some ENT activity going on and I hope I can join in every now and then!
Always loved Star Trek. My interest began while watching TNG with my Dad. For a while I crossed into The Star Wars Universe and disappeared from the Trek scene. The reboots have sucked me back in and I have since rewatched every Trek episode on Netflix! I love cosplay, and will soon be doing a Borg costume a la Seven of Nine.

One of Two, out.
Yes! Last year my twin and I did the Grady twins from the shining, this year we're doing GB1, next up: Borg - One of Two and Two of Two.
So One of Two refers to twins? Here I was thinking it was a marriage thing!:rommie: That's cool! And welcome aboard!