Donny's TOS Enterprise Interiors

Re: TOS Enterprise Interiors -- Unreal 3 Engine

^^^ Either that, or it's implied that it's the outer edge of the primary hull maybe? Angle looks about right.

As a kid watching the reruns in the early to mid 70s, that's what I assumed. Of course, there's a thousand different ways it could be interpreted. But i suspect a fair number of viewers made similar conclusions.


Re: TOS Enterprise Interiors -- Unreal 3 Engine

As a first time viewer, I almost thought I saw windows present in the upper part of those angled panels. There's certainly some complex overlapping going on.

I hadn't thought about the "perfect A-frame" though - an interesting notion! Perhaps it would also explain why everyone's cabin has similarly slanting walls?
Re: TOS Enterprise Interiors -- Unreal 3 Engine

Judging by the massive look of the beams and the wall angle I'm confident that Matt Jefferies envisioned this set to be mostly located at the outer hull. However, during the series my overall impression is that it is more often adjacent to the inner corridor because of many scenes were the transporter room corridor extends beyond the angled beams and you see personnel passing by behind the angled wall of this set.

And in "The Way to Eden" Adam actually disapeared behind the beam on the left side of the room, and I'm sure he didn't do a space walk (space song, yes).

I just checked with the 1966 briefing room construction blueprint and a question popped up: Shouldn't all ceiling beams be parallel to the floor of the room?

Re: TOS Enterprise Interiors -- Unreal 3 Engine

I just checked with the 1966 briefing room construction blueprint and a question popped up: Shouldn't all ceiling beams be parallel to the floor of the room?

They are all parallel. I think an optical illusion is making it look like the farthest one may not be, but rest assured, it is :p

Also, I agree with Robert Comsol about what Jefferies intended versus what we see in the series. I'm going to go with the impression we're given in the series.
Re: TOS Enterprise Interiors -- Unreal 3 Engine

Here's a shot showing the view screen wall we saw in Space Seed (and The Menagerie's courtroom scenes). I've also got the table in there (library computer terminal and tri-viewer coming soon). Please note that the table's orientation and position is not final.

The viewscreen itself is canon, but the walls surrounding it are a little different than what we saw in Space Seed. I've made it a bit more symmetrical, and had to adjust it's length due to the season 2/3 version of the briefing room being 2 feet longer.

I believe the viewscreen was modified and moved to the Auxiliary Control Room set beginning at season 2, so, as far as I know, we don't see this wall as part of the briefing room past season 1 (unless anyone knows otherwise).

[edit] Just noticed that the screenshot function of the game engine did not pick up the reflection I added to the table. Bah!
Re: TOS Enterprise Interiors -- Unreal 3 Engine

what you are doing is good ok, now i have a big question for you then?, did you ever think of trying to put all of the videos together as one video page. if you did not think of this. i am going to talk my time from the star trek role playing game plans and turn them into a full ship of all of the becks. after i put what i got i will take them to a place in sacramento to a place where they do blue print, i am going to get them bigger to this size of 3' wide X 6' long and put them together as one sheet. i just wonder of you ever try to do this of your project.
Re: TOS Enterprise Interiors -- Unreal 3 Engine

what you are doing is good ok, now i have a big question for you then?, did you ever think of trying to put all of the videos together as one video page. if you did not think of this. i am going to talk my time from the star trek role playing game plans and turn them into a full ship of all of the becks. after i put what i got i will take them to a place in sacramento to a place where they do blue print, i am going to get them bigger to this size of 3' wide X 6' long and put them together as one sheet. i just wonder of you ever try to do this of your project.

One video page? I've got grander ideas in mind, sir. This is (at the very least) going to be publicly released as a playable walk through of the Enterprise. Those that download will be able to walk through the portions of the Enterprise I'm creating, in real-time.
Re: TOS Enterprise Interiors -- Unreal 3 Engine

How would you handle traveling from deck to deck in the turbolifts? Does the Unreal 3 Engine allow you to select different levels from a particular transit point, or will you be relying on ladders and Jefferies Tubes for cross-ship travel?
Re: TOS Enterprise Interiors -- Unreal 3 Engine

How would you handle traveling from deck to deck in the turbolifts? Does the Unreal 3 Engine allow you to select different levels from a particular transit point, or will you be relying on ladders and Jefferies Tubes for cross-ship travel?

Unreal 3 has level streaming capabilities, so it can seamlessly load different levels without the player being aware at all. I could load these levels from turbolift cars via scripting. The jefferies tube is a possibility, but would require a tad more headache. Either way, I haven't exactly worked out any details yet, and will cross that bridge when I get there.
Re: TOS Enterprise Interiors -- Unreal 3 Engine

The viewscreen itself is canon, but the walls surrounding it are a little different than what we saw in Space Seed. I've made it a bit more symmetrical, and had to adjust it's length due to the season 2/3 version of the briefing room being 2 feet longer.

Thanks for the clarification, I was wondering for a split-second. :)

I believe the viewscreen was modified and moved to the Auxiliary Control Room set beginning at season 2, so, as far as I know, we don't see this wall as part of the briefing room past season 1 (unless anyone knows otherwise).


I'm just curious: Do you already know when you are moving the viewscreen to the Auxiliary Control Room? ;)

I've heard some wild rumors that some other Trek BBS members are trying to decipher the layout of the Auxiliary Control Room. Is there a possibility you guys can share what you have deciphered thus far. I think it would be really great if synergy potential were fully exploited.

Re: TOS Enterprise Interiors -- Unreal 3 Engine

@Robert Comsol:

I'll be doing Auxiliary Control sometime later, after main engineering, I suppose.


Great article!
Re: TOS Enterprise Interiors -- Unreal 3 Engine

I think the port side is basically a mirror image of the other side of the area adjacent to the view screen with the the console and status board. If you are controlling the entire ship from this location it seems that more controls would be there.
Re: TOS Enterprise Interiors -- Unreal 3 Engine

I think the port side is basically a mirror image of the other side of the area adjacent to the view screen with the the console and status board. If you are controlling the entire ship from this location it seems that more controls would be there.

That's what I was thinking.
Re: TOS Enterprise Interiors -- Unreal 3 Engine

Before I go to bed, here's an early test shot of the briefing room. Lighting and color scheme is still WIP.

Thanks to Mytran's sharp eye, I was able to catch that the season 2/3 briefing room was about 2 feet longer (or wider? Which would it be?) than the season 1 version.

Ok, now, mister !

Now, you HAVE to complete the entire interior of the ship, slap it onto an awesome exterior model to scale, and sell that on BluRay so we can navigate around and through the ship and operate the consoles.

I'd buy that. :D