Donny's Klingon Stuff

Maybe the Klingon emblems have been directional arrows all this time and we've just never realized. It's just that every Klingon place we've seen ever since TNG has been on the bottom floor. ;)
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There's all kinds of cool directions you could take that as a design element -- emblems pointing up and down in a Klingon turbolift, dials on a control panel...
Yeap and the Enterprise was supposed to be upside-down, until Gene flipped it....make of that what you will.
I remember the story was that the Enterprise was designed the way we remember, but Roddenberry picked up the model by a string during a press appearance, so it flipped upside down, so TV Guide(?) printed their stock photos of the ship upside-down because that's how the reporter saw it.

The Reliant was flipped upside-down during the design process, is that what you're thinking of?
I remember the story was that the Enterprise was designed the way we remember, but Roddenberry picked up the model by a string during a press appearance, so it flipped upside down, so TV Guide(?) printed their stock photos of the ship upside-down because that's how the reporter saw it.

The Reliant was flipped upside-down during the design process, is that what you're thinking of?
No was the TOS enterprise during the designing stages, not the finished one. And you are correct, the reliant as well :D
The version I heard was Jefferies brought the first small rough mock up to Roddenberry for approval, it flipped upside down on the string, Roddenberry liked it, and it took some convincing by Jefferies to keep the design right side up.
Guys, move this to random discussions please?

I was wondering if Donny was back at the Klingon artwork, but...

On the matter of the Klingon trifoil, I actually wish some Trek presentation would present it sideways "as intended" originally. Just to be different.

Then again, I'd also like to see the original Klingon sigil make a comeback.