Doggies, Doggos and Doggeroos!

Tucker is nuts, today was the hottest day of the year, it was well over 110º, and he was still laying outside on his dog bed during the hottest part of the day. As you guys have probably seen from the pictures and videos I've posted, the dogs have free rein (or is it free reign?) of the house, so this was all by his choice. He gets pissed and starts barking if we don't let him outside, even when it's this hot out.
Every day I have a Root Beer float, and if I leave the cup on my TV tray, Gracie likes to steal it and clean out the cup.

We also can't leave food unattended, or she'll eat it. It's hard to catch her and yell at her though, because the moment she hears one of us coming she stops and acts all innocent. My mom and I have both lost about half a meal to her.
Every day I have a Root Beer float, and if I leave the cup on my TV tray, Gracie likes to steal it and clean out the cup.

We also can't leave food unattended, or she'll eat it. It's hard to catch her and yell at her though, because the moment she hears one of us coming she stops and acts all innocent. My mom and I have both lost about half a meal to her.
Awwwwww Gracie!!! My boys love ice cream too. I usually let them have a little of what I’m having, as long as it’s not onions or avocado or anything.

Fred’s food is better than what my nephew eats. I make him grilled chicken minced with cheddar jack and sausage. The ingredients vary based on what I get from the market that week but it’s always grilled chicken or grilled pork. I use tomato sauce sometimes too to spice it up. Last week I chopped up bacon a couple days for him.

Parker, my nephew, usually eats Kraft Mac and cheese or processed/frozen dinosaur nuggets.
We tend to share bits and pieces of whatever we're eating with Gracie and Tucker too, as long as it's dog safe, of course.
There have been times my mom has done stuff for the dogs that she won't for me. One of the best examples is the car air conditioning, there were was at least one time where we had been driving around sweating our asses off earlier, but then as soon we went somewhere with the dogs, she turned it on for them.
Every day I have a Root Beer float, and if I leave the cup on my TV tray, Gracie likes to steal it and clean out the cup.

We also can't leave food unattended, or she'll eat it. It's hard to catch her and yell at her though, because the moment she hears one of us coming she stops and acts all innocent. My mom and I have both lost about half a meal to her.

We call Finnegan "The Stomach" for his food grubbing ways. Cat incidentally.
We also can't leave food unattended, or she'll eat it. It's hard to catch her and yell at her though, because the moment she hears one of us coming she stops and acts all innocent. My mom and I have both lost about half a meal to her.

yeah they can be sneak buggers like that. Mum's benches were ideal height for rottweiler to get up an snaffle any unwatched food and she lost more that one lunch that way.

Though to be fair to the puppy monster, it could also have been the cat. He could be pretty devious too.
Fred loves the porch. We just put two overhead fans in so there’s a nice breeze on hot summer nights, but not as cool as the AC inside. I just let him lay where he pleases and today it was a porch day! I chopped up some hotdog with his chicken for dinner and he devoured it. His appetite has been so good lately I’m starting to worry I’m over feeding him! Haha
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