Do you listen to any of the movie soundtracks?

"Stealing the Enterprise" - I almost always intone "Warning! Space doors are closed. Warning! Space doors are closed" in a (rubbish) computer voice when reaching that particular part of the track.

That sequence is a great piece of scoring. Horner alternates a bombastic theme for big, bad Excelsior with a particularly wistful version of his title theme for the underdog Enterprise, making it particularly satisfying when the latter prevails.

Horner's theme for the Enterprise has a seafaring feel, and it suits the peaceful, exploring role of the starship. The Goldsmith Enterprise theme is the one you need for a fight.
My favourite bit of Horner Trek music is what’s playing while Kirk is figuring out how to shut down the Reliant’s shields in TWOK.
For me, the music from the point where Our Heroes beam up from Regula through the end of the film is some of the best the franchise has to offer. I think Trek benefits from having input from different composers, yet still find myself wondering what Horner might have done if he'd been retained at least for TVH and TFF. I'm pretty alright with the TUC music as the moodiness of it matches the proceedings rather well.
Two things I will note about Leonard Rosenman (TVH):
1. I distinctly recall reading a direct quote from him, in which he essentially claimed to be so much better than anybody else working film that they were not even in his league. Alas, I can't recall where precisely (maybe an interview in Starlog). But compare that with John Williams' legendary humility.

2. TVH was actually quite good, but the only other Rosenman score I've ever heard was the Bakshi LotR. And for those who have the good fortune of having never seen it (the Rankin-Bass Hobbit was orders of magnitude better), the score wasn't much better than the so-called rotoscoping that was really just xerographing the reference footage directly onto cels (and solarizing it in the process).
Two things I will note about Leonard Rosenman (TVH):
1. I distinctly recall reading a direct quote from him, in which he essentially claimed to be so much better than anybody else working film that they were not even in his league. Alas, I can't recall where precisely (maybe an interview in Starlog). But compare that with John Williams' legendary humility.

2. TVH was actually quite good, but the only other Rosenman score I've ever heard was the Bakshi LotR. And for those who have the good fortune of having never seen it (the Rankin-Bass Hobbit was orders of magnitude better), the score wasn't much better than the so-called rotoscoping that was really just xerographing the reference footage directly onto cels (and solarizing it in the process).

If this is true, then it would be funny if it weren't so pathetic. Rosenman had only composed two scores that I am aware of, the two that you mentioned, and neither were their respective film's strengths (I now adore Star Trek IV, but for years the music reminded me so much of a carnival or circus that it ruined the entire movie for me).

All that being said, in response to the OP, my favorite music genre is film music, and Star Trek has been mostly blessed with some of the finest music ever composed. Goldsmith and Horner are obviously the best, but Eidelman, McCarthy and Giacchino are all really amazing at times. Every score, even Rosenman's mostly abysmal score for Star Trek IV, has some memorable bits (In Star Trek IV I liked the music for the parts on Vulcan). Goldsmith remains my favorite musician of all time, but Horner was a very close competitor, and both have scores I love from other movies (my faves being, from Goldsmith and Horner respectively, Rudy and The Land Before Time, both of which had soundtracks leagues better and more epic than the films they were in, which were already great films anyway).
Do "I" listen to Star Trek Soundtracks? These are my Apple Music playlists.


And these are just the movies! I've got the La-La Land TOS Box Set, their TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, 50th Anniversary release and their last 'Final Frontier' release. Also got GNP's original and expanded releases of the pilot episodes etc. The Star Trek Expanded Soundtrack Renesaince was the best soundtrack collecting experience of my life. Everything we wanted is everything we got. The one track that sadly was not on any of these releases is 'Spock to Spock', which is such a shame considering it was the last piece of music made specifically for what would be Leonard Nimoy's final appearance as Spock.
Do "I" listen to Star Trek Soundtracks? These are my Apple Music playlists.


And these are just the movies! I've got the La-La Land TOS Box Set, their TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, 50th Anniversary release and their last 'Final Frontier' release. Also got GNP's original and expanded releases of the pilot episodes etc. The Star Trek Expanded Soundtrack Renesaince was the best soundtrack collecting experience of my life. Everything we wanted is everything we got. The one track that sadly was not on any of these releases is 'Spock to Spock', which is such a shame considering it was the last piece of music made specifically for what would be Leonard Nimoy's final appearance as Spock.
Nice! Where is this guy though?
It's been years since I've sat down to listen to all the soundtracks. I used to listen to them while I drive. But I do remember the names of my favorite tracks. See the spoiler.
TWOK - Battle In The Mutara Nebula
TSFS - Bird of Prey Decloaks
TUC - Battle For Peace The Final Chance
FC - Retreat
FC - First Contact
Part 2
I must say, the album/poster art for the older movies is uniquely striking. I really miss this. ST09, STID and BEY are severely lacking. With the exception of BEY's recreation of TMP's poster art.

GEN - Jumping the Ravine
NEM - The Mirror
NEM - The Scorpion
NEM - Lateral Run
NEM - Final Flight
Part 3
ST09 - Enterprising Young Men
ST09 - Chutes and Matter
STID - Kronos Wartet
BEY - Main Theme
Right after Into Darkness. :)

And that IS the Deluxe Edition of the soundtrack. I don't own the original album because Star Trek Beyond was released well into the Star Trek Expanded Soundtrack Renesaince so I knew a deluxe edition was coming. And when it did, there was no difference between the tracks that were present on both releases (unlike the 2009 soundtrack releases).