Discovery is a very good show

I think that Discovery is ok, we gave up after season 3 because we didn't like the characters and story enough. But I put It above Enterprise and Voyager
I will add that I'm open to fiction surprising me into emotion that reminds me of my life. Two movies which come to mind are 99 Homes and The Whale.
Maybe it's the style of acting Green chooses that bugs me? The whisper-talking, which might be more of a result of modern technology than anything else

SHE SPENT TIME A- <ahem> Excuse me. Shouting Thread flashback. lol

She spent time aboard a classified ship occupied by S31, I suspect a lot of whispering was going on so perhaps it just became a habit.

I usually have CC on so no biggie for me, but I may also turn up my center channel volume if it gets to be too much.
I've said it before, but a lot of what I like about Discovery has been excised or pushed to the side.

But hey, I also didn't care when DS9 brought in Worf, so...
I've said it before, but a lot of what I like about Discovery has been excised or pushed to the side.

But hey, I also didn't care when DS9 brought in Worf, so...
We all have our thing.

I didn't care for Worf on DS9 either but that was minor compared to my liking Bashir, O'Brien and Dax as characters.
We all have our thing.

I didn't care for Worf on DS9 either but that was minor compared to my liking Bashir, O'Brien and Dax as characters.
Such weighing of opinions is why I'll finish Discovery. I like enough to continue, but not rewatch. Then again, there are tonnes of Trek episodes I have zero desire to rewatch, so it's all a wash perhaps.
the only discovery episodes I've rewatched are "If Memory Serves" and "Unification III"

Oh and Terra Firma.
I've re-watched all of DSC except for parts of S3. In the case of S1, I've re-watched it several times, although not recently.
I've re-watched all of DSC except for parts of S3. In the case of S1, I've re-watched it several times, although not recently.
I tend to rewatch in small increments. Before Discovery I had a hard time rewatching serialized shows, but it's so detailed you can catch new things almost every time.

I've seen the pilot 10-12 times at this point. A few others in the 5 range. I rarely rewatch older trek anymore.
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I love S3 and 4 very much. I like the reaching out, making connections, and bringing the Federation back together. I like S4's diplomacy vs "let's go blow 'em up!" struggle. The situations that the ship and crew found themselves in were dire, but it was a great foundation for building some fantastic, hopeful, optimistic stories.
Okay, I finally finished all the seasons. I really love it. I get the tendency to compare to SNW, but if you compare SNW season 1 to DSC season 1, they are just as good as each other. I loved the writing on discovery and even though it waned when they changed producers or whatever, it was still way, way better than the writing on PIC. Also, any show that David Cronenberg is on, is good. I am excited for season 5!
I don't get it either. When I joined BBS, I was absolutely boggled at the hate some people have for DISCO.
That’s the whole reason I started posting here. While every other Trek community was having a screaming tantrum because Discovery was different and therefore bad, the discussion over at TrekBBS was much more reasonable. The people here who don’t like it at least have something intelligent to say about it.

I love S3 and 4 very much. I like the reaching out, making connections, and bringing the Federation back together. I like S4's diplomacy vs "let's go blow 'em up!" struggle. The situations that the ship and crew found themselves in were dire, but it was a great foundation for building some fantastic, hopeful, optimistic stories.

The Titan vs United Earth story was about as classic Trek as you can get, a situation about to explode into full scale war because it never occurred to either side to just sit and talk it out.
I liked Discovery way more than I thought I would. The characters didn't bother me like it does some.

My biggest issue was shoehorning Michael into being Spock's sister. That bothered me more than I care to admit.
If we rescpect the freedom of speech, then I can declare that:
I don't like ST Discovery because I don't like to see homosexual men kissing each.
That's my personal opinion, and of course may contadict some other's opinions and likes.
If we rescpect the freedom of speech, then I can declare that:
I don't like ST Discovery because I don't like to see homosexual men kissing each.
That's my personal opinion, and of course may contadict some other's opinions and likes.
That's it? Okay, then. Post quoted for posterity.
I don't mean to offend anyone and I respect other's rights, but I think I still have the human right to stop watching something I don't like watching.