Poll Destination Star Trek Europe Convention 2016

Will you be attending Destination Star Trek Europe?

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Those poor people. No-one should have to go to Birmingham.

I went to Destination Trek when it was in London (Oct 14) and stared at Karl Urban from about six inches away until he became uncomfortable. Got my pic with Robert Picardo and spent hours with my mate just looking at all the cool shit.

Will definitely try to be at it (despite having to go to Birmingham).
Why don't they show current pictures of any of the guests? Those are all from decades ago!

On the plus side Birmingham is easier to get to than London (well for me at least)

Both are easy/hard to get to as one another. I can get a direct train into London Paddington, but then there is travelling across London to get anywhere. There is no direct train to Brum from here and it would require a change at either Bristol or Reading. Anyway, I probably won't be going even if it is my birthday weekend.
both Daxes, that's pretty cool!

Living in Germany though, FedCon might be a more sensible choice in terms of the, uhm, commute.
Pretty gutted that I can go, due to flying back from Florida on the last day of the event. :klingon: Other wise I'd be definitely there.
Both are easy/hard to get to as one another. I can get a direct train into London Paddington, but then there is travelling across London to get anywhere. There is no direct train to Brum from here and it would require a change at either Bristol or Reading. Anyway, I probably won't be going even if it is my birthday weekend.

Just over a 2 hour drive for me. But I may or may not be there.
Attendence at the last DSTL in London was abysmal, and so far, there's almost a complete lack of enthusiasm online for this new event. The first event in 2012 with the 5 Captains was an appalling sham which put many people off from going to the second one. The law of diminishing returns kicked in 2 years ago, and from what I've read, more than a few people are wondering why this October event is being held. At least Creation had the good sense to abandon the UK when no one turned up to its Trek cons.

So for DSTE, we have a very uninspiring guest list which includes Frakes, who no one expects to turn up, the same old stupidly priced £1K and £3K packages, and aside from entry cost, no prices announced for anything else ie autographs or photoshoots for people who can't or don't want to buy a package.

And to think that Scamasters supposedly want to sell tickets. Joke company.
Attendence at the last DSTL in London was abysmal, and so far, there's almost a complete lack of enthusiasm online for this new event. The first event in 2012 with the 5 Captains was an appalling sham which put many people off from going to the second one. The law of diminishing returns kicked in 2 years ago, and from what I've read, more than a few people are wondering why this October event is being held. At least Creation had the good sense to abandon the UK when no one turned up to its Trek cons.

So for DSTE, we have a very uninspiring guest list which includes Frakes, who no one expects to turn up, the same old stupidly priced £1K and £3K packages, and aside from entry cost, no prices announced for anything else ie autographs or photoshoots for people who can't or don't want to buy a package.

And to think that Scamasters supposedly want to sell tickets. Joke company.

From what I was told when I was there last year, they'd already had the same amount of people through the doors for 2014 by the end of Saturday than they did for all of the 2012 event. For 2014 they had more space which made it look less busy - 2012 was quite cramped!

The main issue I think they suffer from is how late they put it all together and annouce the con - for 2012 and 2014 they announced the con 5-6 months before the event and at a time where many people have already booked holidays for the year. They need to take a leaf out of STLV's book and annouce next year's dates at the end of the convention. It would also help if they made it an annual thing so people are not going, will they do it this year?!

As the con has just been annouced it is not really surprising that there is only a small selection of guests so far - I guess time will tell for who we'll get.
The one in London was extremely busy. The talks were all sold out and the main area was bustling throughout... right until the end.
I know someone who went on the Sunday in 2014 for a final few bit and pieces, and they said the place was dead. I think they were in and out in under 30 mins. I saw photos from the Sunday which confirmed the above. Friday and Saturday was supposed to have been quite busy, but all I saw was photos of endless huge queues.

On a final note, it's to the eternal shame of Shystermasters that they priced Leonard Nimoy's final Q&A out of the reach of nearly all of the fans. Only about 100 people went to it, which caused Nimoy to rant against Shystermasters on his twitter account after he found out what was being charged.

And of course, he's no longer with us.

If I was one of the guests on the list for this latest event, I'd cancel purely due to the way Jason Joiner treated Nimoy. Nimoy didn't even leave his own home, yet Joiner still managed to treat him like a piece of meat.
I'd like to go, but it all depends on the guests. Over the last few years I've tried to reduce my convention-going to save money and only go to ones where there are guests that I know personally. There's nothing nicer for me than going up to a guest's table, seeing their eyes light up when they spot me and then getting a huge hug. Or ten.

There are two Trek actors who fall into that category, and sadly I already know that one of them is at a different event that weekend, so it all depends on the other one.

Also that picture of Kruge is a photoshop nightmare.
Also that picture of Kruge is a photoshop nightmare.

Will be interesting what photos are provided of Lloyd playing Kruge considering this is an official CBS sanctioned event, and I can't actually find any official photos. Joiner's usual cheap, copyright violating DVD sreen prints certainly won't do at DSTE, and these are exactly what have been used everytime he wheels Lloyd out, which is nearly once a year now. It's getting a bit boring TBH, and shows how little effort's being made.
Well what can happen is some try and get everything done on the 1st day even if they are there for another day. The second day can often be quiter at events. And many will already have photos/autographs of many of the quests. Most of the time when I go to these events it's to spend time with friends I only see once or twice a year at these events.
Who told you this? Shystermasters staff?
It was a member of staff I was talking to on the Sunday.

Well what can happen is some try and get everything done on the 1st day even if they are there for another day. The second day can often be quiter at events. And many will already have photos/autographs of many of the quests. Most of the time when I go to these events it's to spend time with friends I only see once or twice a year at these events.
I go to the cons to meet friends more than the Trek stars
Having had a look on IMDB, it's shocking to see just how many Trek guest actors are now dead. I went back to The Voyage Home, mainly because I wondered if the guy who played the Plexiglass engineer is still around (Alex Henteloff , 73 yrs old and still kicking), and was sad to see so many of the bit part actors in that film are dead, and they've been dead a long time.

James B Sikking, the Excelsior Captain from TSFS is sill going at 81. Catherine Hicks does cons in the US. Judson Scott still does cons, as does Ike Eisenmann. Ike was over 10 years ago at one of Shystermaster's events and did no business at all, so doubt we'll see him.

While I can appreciate there's a dwindling supply of guests, there's no excuse for the same old main cast faces who most UK fans will have met at the previous two DSTs, or at other events. It's just a shame that Jason Joiner's so intent on making it look like he's never watched an episode of Star Trek in his life, because these events had potential.
I will be there, but probably just for one day, unless I find a pet sitter for my cats AND reasonable hotel prices.

I'm disappointed it's not in London again.
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