Contest: VOTE December Art Challenge - Vote for Your Theme!

VOTE for TWO!! VOTE for TWO!!

  • Trek Craft Inspired by a Car Manufacturer

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • Design Evolution

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • Transporter Malfunctions

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Monstrous

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Menagerie

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Thanksgiving

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The More Things Change

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Blueprints

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • Not Good Enough

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • I Could Do Better

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • I Like the Old Stuff Better than the New Stuff

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Premium Member
Here we are, it's time to vote for December's Challenge Theme. You have until the poll closes on the 1st December to vote for your TWO favourites.

Please feel free to vote whether you intend to create an entry or not, we want to generate as much interest and participation as possible. And let us know how you've voted below and why: what piques your interest about each theme, what you think we might see. You never know, your thoughts could just be the spark that lights someone's imagination and leads to a new piece of Star Trek art.

Be aware, the least popular themes from recent polls have entered THE NEUTRAL ZONE and are in danger of being eliminated from the vote in the coming months.

We have eleven themes suggested by BBS members for you to choose from and you can vote for TWO!!!

Details for each theme are as follows:

Trek Craft Inspired by a Car Manufacturer
In Fantastic Four 2, they introduced the Fantasicar, which was "built" by Dodge, and even contained familiar Dodge traits, such as the front grill and logo. My suggestion would be to create a Star Trek craft belonging to a particular car maker (Dodge, Ford, Chevy, etc). The craft would need to contain visual traits that make it identifiable as a particular brand.

Design Evolution
Show us your design evolution process (possibly just quick sketches) for something Star Trek, be it a ship, alien race or piece of equipment. (We've had something like this once before, but it could be worth revisiting)

Transporter Malfunctions
Duplicates, amalgamations and transmogrifications. Oh my!

As we approach Hallowe'en and (in the Northern hemisphere) the night grow darker, show us those Monstrous things that lie out there that frighten even the bravest space traveller.

The Menagerie
We hear about Berengarian dragons, and Andorian bulls, and Orion wing-slugs, and Terrelian seapods and the like, but didn't get to see them. What do they look like? How big are they? What kind of environment do they live in? Will they eat you?!?

As North Americans celebrate their Thanksgiving holidays your challenge would be to put a Trek spin on that idea of giving thanks and showing appreciation for the good things in life. E.g. your favourite crew gathering for a special meal or the shuttle that flew you out of trouble in the nick of time getting a well deserved spruce-up.

The More Things Change
Time may move at warp speed, but not everything does. Show us how something Trek has changed over the years - landscapes, buildings, ships, people, beliefs.


Arguably the most important manifestation of fan art going back to Franz Joseph and how the popularity of his works proved the ongoing popularity of the canceled series. Taking that as inspiration create your own set of blueprints for anything in Star Trek be it a starship, starbase, technology, bridge layout, etc.


Not Good Enough
Art inspired by unpopular episodes.

I Could Do Better
Don't like the latest redesign of the Enterprise? Fine. Show us what you would have done.

I Like the Old Stuff Better than the New Stuff
Art inspired by Star Trek programmes made in the 20th century.


Remember, vote for TWO!! :bolian:
The end of the poll is fast approaching and the results are tight. If anyone has yet to cast their votes your choice could make all the difference.
I felt sure that "Blueprints" would win, but it looks like "Trek Craft Inspired by a Car Manufacturer" might nab it. Either way, this means I'm going to have to get out of my comfort zone and attempt a drawing of a starship/shuttle etc... (unless any last minute votes switch things up) :D
^^ The poll's top three definitely present more of an uhm... well, challenge. I find the more tech-y ones a little more difficult to get a grasp of, I'll have to get my thinking cap on. ;)

Anyway, it was a close call but we have a winning theme. This one that has been popular in most of the polls, but never quite managed to claim the win until now and it is:

Trek Craft Inspired by a Car Manufacturer
In Fantastic Four 2, they introduced the Fantasicar, which was "built" by Dodge, and even contained familiar Dodge traits, such as the front grill and logo. My suggestion would be to create a Star Trek craft belonging to a particular car maker (Dodge, Ford, Chevy, etc). The craft would need to contain visual traits that make it identifiable as a particular brand.

So, get your imaginations in gear, rev up those brain-cells, I'm sure we're in for a wild ride.

Looking forward to seeing your entries. Have Fun! :bolian:
Cars and spaceships...thats a combination wich cant really fail. In the end one could just post an explosion in space and claim its a tesla shuttle in its final form...

But when I see "blueprints" so far up there I already get anxiety because this kind of stuff requires precision and logical thinking.
Cars and spaceships...thats a combination wich cant really fail. In the end one could just post an explosion in space and claim its a tesla shuttle in its final form...

But when I see "blueprints" so far up there I already get anxiety because this kind of stuff requires precision and logical thinking.

Not really a car guy, couldn’t identify trait’s associated with a certain brand, make or model. If I ever witnessed criminals getting away in a car, I’d be able to say the color and if a logo was prominent enough, that. Otherwise, nada. As for blueprints, we talking orthos with a blue background and some white lines? Or deck layout? Cuz I can do a one or two deck blueprint for something like my Trek ‘55 Enterprise, no problem. You could do a shuttle blueprint to make it even easier :guffaw:
But @MisterD, with your 3D modelling skills I'm sure you've got the required precision and logical thinking required for creating blueprints. :techman:

Thats too nice. If only I was not concious during the modeling process so I could believe it myself.

Not really a car guy, couldn’t identify trait’s associated with a certain brand, make or model.

Understandable. The problem is that car brands are like movies. The main goal is to make the most streamlined (literally), least offensive product and brand recognition boils down to minor details and marketing shenanigans.

But still...I would bet there are some iconic designs most people could identify (at least when you are older then 30). The beetle, maybe a corvette or whatever car showed up in the shows one watched as a kid.