DC Movies - To Infinity and Beyond

I've never read the Justice League appearance in the seventies--but I imagine that was more about bringing Darkseid into the DC universe based on what I've read. Was there never an appearance of Darkseid in the DC between that Justice League/Society crossover and New Gods?
Not that I can think of.
Giffen was a rare talent. I first encountered his work in the pages of the Defenders where he was in full Kirby mode.
Wait, looking at info in that link, was Brett Ratner supposed to direct the JJ Abrams Flyby script? That would have been an absolute disaster, and not in a fun to watch way.
I'm usually a big fan of JJ Abrams, and I've enjoyed most of Brett Ratner's stuff I've seen, but there is some epic WTFery in that script from I've read about it. Just stuff that goes so far off from how Superman material is usually handled I really have to wonder what Abrams was thinking when he wrote it.
was Brett Ratner supposed to direct the JJ Abrams Flyby script?
For a while, yeah. Eventually he dropped out and was replaced with someone of equal hack-levels, Joe McGinty. aka McG. He went on to lose the job primarily because he was too afraid to fly to Australia. (Although originally he said it was because he didn't want to shoot a quintessentially American movie in another country.)
Rhode Island Comic Con. People were getting their pictures taken with Tom Welling, Brandon Routh, Gerard Christopher, Dean Cain and Tyler Hoechlin.

Wow, Welling is virtually unrecognizable. But then, I never would've recognized Gerard Christopher either without the description.
Probably that he had to follow the notes from Producer Jon Peters?! My guess is most of the WTF stuff in the Flyby script is based on his ideas.
Oh OK, that would explain a lot since I was a little surprised that Abrams would go so far from the traditional Superman elements, when in most of the other times he worked in franchises he stuck closer to how they're usually presented.
I had the living to myself last night and so decided to watch a film that my wife wouldn’t be interested in, so I gave Blue Beetle a go. It didn’t hurt that I was in good form after a comedy gig earlier that night and I also had a couple of nice beers to aid my viewing experience. I liked it. Nothing groundbreaking but it hit the usual important superhero beats, the cast was likeable and energetic and the humour worked.

I’ve seen some Latinx reviewers or fans complain that the family dynamics were all cliched and stereotypical. I’m not in a position to gainsay that but I enjoyed the family dynamics and it gave the film its own feeling. I also liked how the location had very much its own look.

Id be surprised if there’s a full sequel but I hope Gunn uses some of the cast again in the new DC films.