DC Movies - To Infinity and Beyond

It's just all a bunch of "he said, she said" from other people.
According to notes.... People have said.....

What you choose to believe, depends on who's side your on. And if you're picking sides in a celebrity break-up that was shown in media to make bucks, I honestly find you hard to take seriously.
That last comment is not towards anyone specific, just a general comment.
Damn. He was a hella creative guy. His Legion was brilliant. And I adored Ambush Bug.

I still have the comic featuring Ambush Bug's second appearance, where he accidentally time travels to the 31st Century and Superman and the Legion of Substitute Heroes have to stop him; all the while Ambush Bug thinks he's somehow wound up at Disneyworld/Epcot Center and is treating the whole 31st Century Metropolis like a giant amusement park.
RIP Keith Giffen

The first ongoing comic book story I ever read was getting a bunch of issues of Justice League Europe from a book store in the early 2000s, and to this day thats the version of the Justice League that I probably have the most attachment to (outside of maybe the DCAU JL), and Giffen's time on that book was the best part of it. That's just a small part of his amazing career, he was definitely one of the greats.
The first comic I collected every issue to was LSH, from 1979 to 1987--when Giffen took over the book, I remember being blown away by the change of visuals and redesigns of the costumes. The Great Darkness Saga was my introduction to Darkseid. The plotting of an A, B, and C story in practically every issue where there was payoff to the C story when it moved up the line to become the main arc had a sense of continuity and character development that had been primarily a Marvel trait of the period and really brought a feeling of weight to the stories. The visuals were some of the best art of the period. Although I haven't been a fan of his more recent work, those Legion stories have stayed with me throughout my life.
Do we have to pick sides? In my estimation they're both a-holes.

Isn't it interesting? We either have to believe Depp is an a-hole or both him and Heard are a-holes. But not solely Heard. I've been encountering such statements a lot, lately.
I still have the comic featuring Ambush Bug's second appearance, where he accidentally time travels to the 31st Century and Superman and the Legion of Substitute Heroes have to stop him; all the while Ambush Bug thinks he's somehow wound up at Disneyworld/Epcot Center and is treating the whole 31st Century Metropolis like a giant amusement park.

So do I!!! That is one my favorite single issue comics of all time!

The first comic I collected every issue to was LSH, from 1979 to 1987--when Giffen took over the book, I remember being blown away by the change of visuals and redesigns of the costumes. The Great Darkness Saga was my introduction to Darkseid. The plotting of an A, B, and C story in practically every issue where there was payoff to the C story when it moved up the line to become the main arc had a sense of continuity and character development that had been primarily a Marvel trait of the period and really brought a feeling of weight to the stories. The visuals were some of the best art of the period. Although I haven't been a fan of his more recent work, those Legion stories have stayed with me throughout my life.

Well said, and my experience is almost identical to yours. When I started collecting comics in the late 70's, for whatever reason I was Marvel only. I guess I didn't think DC was as cool anymore or something. But the Legion always had a place in my heart as I read a good chunk of the Grell run from the 70's as a little kid. So when I saw Legion on the spinner, I broke my "Marvel only" buying habits and picked up the good ole' Legion. I think it was Pat Broderick who was drawing Legion right before Giffen and I loved his work as well, but Giffen brought a visual uniformity and consistency to the overall world of the Legion, especially in the tech department. Also came up with the Interlac alphabet and used that for all wording in the world of the Legion. It was fun figuring out all the words in the background. And the Great Darkness Saga is what put Darkseid on the map as a super bad ass and is why he’s DC’s biggest bad to this day.

Gonna reread it and the DC Presents with Ambush Bug this weekend.

RIP Keith, you were definitely one of the greats.
It helps that it was the first big storyline to use Darkseid that way outside of the New Gods comics. These days it's pretty standard but that story is what started it all

I've never read the Justice League appearance in the seventies--but I imagine that was more about bringing Darkseid into the DC universe based on what I've read. Was there never an appearance of Darkseid in the DC between that Justice League/Society crossover and New Gods?
I've never read the Justice League appearance in the seventies--but I imagine that was more about bringing Darkseid into the DC universe based on what I've read. Was there never an appearance of Darkseid in the DC between that Justice League/Society crossover and New Gods?

He first showed up in a Jimmy Olsen series that Jack Kirby worked on, then the New Gods comics. He wasn't in any mainstream DC stories after the first New Gods comics got cancelled IIRC. The Great Darkness happened and he became a villain more readers were aware of.