DC Movies - To Infinity and Beyond

What all of this boils down to is that mergers generally hurt everyone except the CEOs. This is why America used to have robust anti-trust laws that prevented greedy capitalists from gobbling up too many businesses, reducing competition, and slashing jobs just so they could make more than the insane amount of money they already have. Unfortunately, those laws have been eroded more and more since the Reagan era.

Wrong. Diversity is the natural state of humanity. If you hire fairly and without bias, you automatically get a diverse group, because talented and capable people naturally exist in every gender and ethnic group. The artifical filters are imposed by the people who perpetuate institutionalized white male privilege, who favor those who fit into the traditionally dominant group rather than hiring fairly. Part of the way institutionalized discrimination perpetuates itself is by propagating the lie that uniformity is the automatic default and diversity is the artificial construct. Which carries with it the unspoken bigoted assumption that only white men are capable of succeeding without artificial help because everyone else is inferior.

Good point.

the discussion of diversity is very complicated and nuanced. I doubt any forum could due justice to any examination of the concept. And, to be fair, not my area of specialization so my experience is limited to just my hiring practices when I was in the role. On an aggregate level what you say makes total sense from a statistical pov. However, there are mitigating issues, not the least of which you need a minimum sample size of 30 to even be slightly significant but…

And , for the record, when I was a hiring manager I took very seriously the federal civil rights act which “Prohibits discrimination in hiring, compensation, and terms, conditions, or priveleges of employment based on race, religion, color, sex, or national origin”. I purposely sought out people with perspectives different than mine. I didn’t want to hire a “yes man” …and, to your point, I had a very diverse team. Having never been on a board, I’m guessing they hire like minded individuals and, as a result, they may all resemble each other. Pure speculation, mind you.
the discussion of diversity is very complicated and nuanced. I doubt any forum could due justice to any examination of the concept.

They fired everyone on the board except the white men. That's not complicated or nuanced at all. It's very straightforward.

Having never been on a board, I’m guessing they hire like minded individuals and, as a result, they may all resemble each other.

Which is just another way of saying they perpetuate systemic inequalities.

And really, how dumb is it to populate a board only with "like minded individuals?" What's the point of having multiple people if they don't bring different perspectives to the table? The problem with "like minded individuals" is that they're all going to be wrong about the same things and there will be nobody to tell them they're wrong -- like the new WB board's antiquated and out-of-touch notion that fandom is "male-skewing." They're just trapped in the same bubble that the old boys' network has always existed in, and that's not going to work for appealing to today's diverse, inclusive audience.
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Their career, potentially tens of millions of dollars in legal fees and settlements, years of legal action, and likely a criminal conviction and record. Possible jail time.

Snyder would leak it. Because he's a real man who eats boulders for breakfast and then cleans his teeth with the bones of wussy cucks who think Superman shouldn't kill people.
Their career, potentially tens of millions of dollars in legal fees and settlements, years of legal action, and likely a criminal conviction and record. Possible jail time.

Yes--there's that. But you're talking about people who live not in the revenge/desperation world of some parts of fandom, but in the world where consequence is more than a word or bluff when dealing with corporations.
It needs to be anonymously leaked.

Easier said than done. You don't think there is security in place to prevent that? And that, upon leaking, WBD wouldn't launch a massive investigation? Anyone who does it is risking their entire future, for what? A direct to streaming Batgirl movie? C'mon mate, it's not worth it. You're asking people to risk their future so you can watch a movie.
Anyone who does it is risking their entire future, for what? A direct to streaming Batgirl movie?

That's not even remotely finished as they halted post-production back when there were talks about making it into a theatrical release.

The hard drives (or whatever it's on) are down a salt mine or wherever it is Warners store their archives and that's where it's staying.