Chapel Character Teaser

It wasn't. A poster opined that in order for this to be the Prime Universe, a demonstration of the evolution of feisty-Chapel into drab-cypher-Chapel would be necessary. I was indicating that I do not agree.

I would say not necessary, but preferable. :) I just prefer when things fit together. Otherwise I'd rather this just be set in a different timeline, but as I said I have this slight obsession with continuity.
If you understand the concept of bait and switch then you understand why this is a problem.
I understand it very well.

This isn't that.

This is the tendency of people to first take a general statement literally and then project their own interpretation onto it anyway.
I understand it fine, thanks.

Feeling that it applies here sounds fairly pathetic.

To be clear, given that you feel wronged enough by the teaser to discuss hobbling the producers as you did upthread, whether you were "just kidding" or not, I pity you.
Everyone knows threatening violence to producers is totally fine...or something.
Then why didn't she she do that one of the the first two times?

Even if the writer picked 5 years to give her time to go though the full academy (which wasn't a thing yet), She'd have no way of knowing there was even going to be a third search after she missed the first two.

Slightly off topic but, is there any hint of an explanation why the first two teams didn't find anything? Korby clearly didn't want to be found yet, but I'm not sure why. Nothing about the use/capabilities of the alien equipment changed did it?

Starfleet is a combined university, astronaut training, and officer training facility. McCoy, for example, only had to do officer training and astronaut training because he was already qualified as a doctor. Chapel already has her degree and Roddenberry suggested that she was a brevet (acting ensign) so likely she only had to do the astronaut training. If she was a biologist rather than a trained nurse (in the sixties, nurses did not have as much specialist training as today so there may have been an assumption that she could fulfil that role with minimal training) then some basic nursing training would also make sense.

I have also just been reminded that another time Chapel showed some personality was in TMP. Many people ask how could Ilia have had time to tell Chapel about the headband on Delta IV. The answer is obviously that she didn't. Chapel has been strategising with McCoy and is totally lying to the Probe in an effort to provoke a reaction. It's a similar strategy she uses on Garrovick to try and break him out of his funk in Obsession. Much of her performance in the movie is to deliver technical dialogue and I really wish we had seen a conversation between her and McCoy so they could have interacted more as equals for once.
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Chapel already has her degree and Roddenberry suggested that she was a brevet (acting ensign) so likely she only had to do the astronaut training.

That's fine but still doesn't explain why she's on the third mission. My approach to these things is more, how to fit new information in with what we saw before, and not this is why the new information is wrong. Chapel was in Starfleet earlier than we thought, just have to make sense of it best we can. Besides, Chapels original backstory is awful, anything that lets us reinterpret it is a big plus. Her having a thing for emotionally distant men doesn't change.
That's fine but still doesn't explain why she's on the third mission. My approach to these things is more, how to fit new information in with what we saw before, and not this is why the new information is wrong. Chapel was in Starfleet earlier than we thought, just have to make sense of it best we can. Besides, Chapels original backstory is awful, anything that lets us reinterpret it is a big plus. Her having a thing for emotionally distant men doesn't change.
Oh on this we agree! My concern is that I would prefer them to layer on new information rather than ignoring the old. Her education with Korby could give her an interesting niche that could allow her to contribute across multiple stories: pandemic/medical research, alien archaeology, exo-paleobiology, retro-fitting alien technology. Kes had super powers and they still struggled to find ways to give her anything much to do as a nurse.
That's fine but still doesn't explain why she's on the third mission. My approach to these things is more, how to fit new information in with what we saw before, and not this is why the new information is wrong. Chapel was in Starfleet earlier than we thought, just have to make sense of it best we can. Besides, Chapels original backstory is awful, anything that lets us reinterpret it is a big plus. Her having a thing for emotionally distant men doesn't change.
I agree. I think they are expanding upon the basics of what motivates her rather than just "lady searches for fiancé" cliche.
Slightly off topic but, is there any hint of an explanation why the first two teams didn't find anything? Korby clearly didn't want to be found yet, but I'm not sure why. Nothing about the use/capabilities of the alien equipment changed did it?

Yes. The explanation is they didn't find him. I'll never understand why some people figure that if they went to search for someone before and didn't find them, something must be up.

There's nothing unusual about a person he's being searched for not being found for a long time. Colombia how long have they been searching for Amelia Earhart?
Yes. The explanation is they didn't find him. I'll never understand why some people figure that if they went to search for someone before and didn't find them, something must be up.

There's nothing unusual about a person he's being searched for not being found for a long time. Colombia how long have they been searching for Amelia Earhart?

But the Enterprise found him because he hailed them. Was that ability a new development, or was he not ready to be found before? If he was deliberately waiting, what changed, and how would he know another ship would ever come check again? And the previous expeditions knew about the caves, they would have checked them. We know they are dangerous but not unnavigable. But if Ruk arranged a couple "accidents" I can see them giving up quickly. But again, that requires Korby not wanting to be found yet.
Eh. Y'all are overthinking it. Just enjoy the show.

I'd prefer a Chapel with more personality. One got glimpses of it in TOS, but the character wasn't really fleshed out and got saddled with the Spock crush.

In a show like this, I figure canon will be bent anyhow, so why not embrace some of the changes? They're different actors anyhow.
Tell me you feel irrationally threatened by change without telling me you feel irrationally threatened by change.

"Nurse Chapel shouldn't get an actual personality! She was written to be a two-dimensional cardboard cutout in TOS and that's how she should remain!"
"Nurse Chapel shouldn't get an actual personality! She was written to be a two-dimensional cardboard cutout in TOS and that's how she should remain!"
Interesting way to put it. I think the larger arguments, at least from my understanding, is that people do not see a clear line from SNW to TOS. Which, to my mind is fallacious because people are not static and shouldn't be treated as such.
But the Enterprise found him because he hailed them. Was that ability a new development, or was he not ready to be found before? If he was deliberately waiting, what changed, and how would he know another ship would ever come check again? And the previous expeditions knew about the caves, they would have checked them. We know they are dangerous but not unnavigable. But if Ruk arranged a couple "accidents" I can see them giving up quickly. But again, that requires Korby not wanting to be found yet.
I think that Korby was finally ready to implement his plan by the time Kirk came along, whereas he wasn't ready when the previous teams visited.
I think that Korby was finally ready to implement his plan by the time Kirk came along, whereas he wasn't ready when the previous teams visited.

That is very likely, but we still don't know why he wasn't ready before. The writer must have had some reason for the Enterprise being the 3rd ship to look, with the first two being failures, but narratively I can't figure out why the Enterprise can't be the first one.
I love Star Trek fans, it amazes me that 31 seconds of marketing materials can generate 14 pages of commentary :)

I thought she was smart, sassy and doesn't have a mean bone in her body, aside from that cool tackle she does. And I like she's good at her job and knows it.