CBS's "Rules of Engagement" for Star Trek Fan Films

Re: Paramount IP enforcement, has it hit any productions yet?

It is the fact that Patty shared things that made the post valuable. Pretty simple to share things that are universally applicable without detailing things that are production-specific.
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Re: Paramount IP enforcement, has it hit any productions yet?

It is the fact that Patty shared things that made the post valuable. Pretty simple to share things that are universally applicable without detailing things that are production-specific.

Pretty simple, yes. But the important part of this this that she didn't have to share it, but she chose to anyway. I'd laud that specific over however easy it is to do.
Re: Paramount IP enforcement, has it hit any productions yet?

Pretty simple, yes. But the important part of this this that she didn't have to share it, but she chose to anyway. I'd laud that specific over however easy it is to do.

No argument there. Patty did a favor to us all. Thank you Patty!

Re: Paramount IP enforcement, has it hit any productions yet?

Conversely, I don't think that Potemkin_Prod was being uncooperative by electing not to share anything.
Re: Paramount IP enforcement, has it hit any productions yet?

Conversely, I don't think that Potemkin_Prod was being uncooperative by electing not to share anything.

Oh I completely agree. I'm grateful for whatever people choose to share; but I don't for a moment believe I'm entitled to any of it.
Re: Paramount IP enforcement, has it hit any productions yet?

I think this thread has pretty much run its course. I think those productions willing to share have shared; those who aren't, won't.

Getting ready to lock the thread down.
Re: Paramount IP enforcement, has it hit any productions yet?

Re: Paramount IP enforcement, has it hit any productions yet?

I fail to see the need for locking the thread. No one has gotten their feelings hurt.
Re: Paramount IP enforcement, has it hit any productions yet?

To be honest, I agree with you. The info andreich posted is something I think would be viewed as highly useful to other fans who might read this thread and may wish to launch their won fan films. (Again, thanks so much for sharing!) Closing this thread would basically relegate that information to the bottom of the forum and eventually pruning it form the site, which would be rather unfortunate I think.

Why not just let the conversation trail off as the rest of most of the threads here do instead of locking it off so early?
Re: Paramount IP enforcement, has it hit any productions yet?

I think it's interesting that good faith efforts kept this thread from degenerating into a nasty mess. There's a lot of useful information and I think everyone deserves credit for being willing to share information on this very important subject.
Re: Paramount IP enforcement, has it hit any productions yet?

I would keep the thread open, but just change the title of the thread to something more positive, if possible.
Re: Paramount IP enforcement, has it hit any productions yet?

I would keep the thread open, but just change the title of the thread to something more positive, if possible.

Agree with Atkin here. Keep the thread open for questions in the future, but do change the title. OR ELSE just cut and paste Patty's useful info into a new thread, since that is what is really relevant and useful.

Honestly, Greg, there's no need to lock this down. Sure, there's been a fair amount of activity in this discussion in recent days, but not everyone reads the board ever day, and locking the thread when there's no compelling reason to cuts off those people from an opportunity to participate.
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I was getting offline complaints to the moderator about the tone and direction the thread was taking. If folks continue to be respectful of willingness to share (or not share) it can stay open. (I did change the title a bit and board members' suggestion.

Best to everyone.
No need to shut it down. If people misbehave, that's why we have a warning button, even though I'm slow to use it in here.
Yes, we certainly don't want a difference of opinion, do we?

No one has gotten their feelings hurt.

So if Potemkin says no one got their feelings hurt, and that is who my difference of opinion was with, who would complain Greg?

No one was called names, no one was rude. Seems like a little manufactured drama.

We should be talking about our fan films conforming to CBS standards and what those standards are. Patty has been good enough to post a lengthy explanation, and I have had a great conversation with Craig Sheeler from Star Trek: Secret Voyage about CBS. There is a lot of information to share and that is where this conversation should be focused.

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BTW, Phase II, Intrepid, Ajax, Secret Voyage and Axanar all got together and discussed a Star Trek Film Makers Association. We discussed how we could all work together, share information, assets and talent, and promote each other. I know I have already made introductions for Craig of Secret Voyage and Jim Bray of Ajax, that have helped them both with their productions. I worked with the great guys at Ajax and they have offered use of their sets as I have done the same for others.

If we all work together, we can help each other and achieve great things!

This association strikes me as an excellent idea. Perhaps the biggest obstacle to getting more productions and stories out is the need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to standing sets. Putting together a video production is still going to be an incredible amount of work, but if you don't have to build sets and technical advice and assistance are available, it would make the job a bit less imposing. Feel free to drop me a PM if there are any further developments.
Yes, it was HUGE of Patty to post such enriching information!

As far as "The Association", I'm VERY excited about the potential we're about to I said at our SKYPE meeting..."A high tide raises all boats." We can learn from each other, assist each other and all that we gain from coming together is, frankly, immeasurable!

Knowing what we can/cannot, should/shouldn't do is pushes us in new directions and can only help us make better films.