CBS/Paramount sues to stop Axanar 2 - Electric Boogaloo-Fanboys gone WILD-too many hyphens

Do you enjoy pie?

  • Yes, sweet, please

    Votes: 79 41.6%
  • Yes, savory, please

    Votes: 42 22.1%
  • Yes, any kind

    Votes: 78 41.1%
  • No, I'm a heathen

    Votes: 36 18.9%

  • Total voters
I'm not as sure now, signing up for it is a bit more complicated than I thought, but they do have another next month, so I might do it then, when I have a little more time to prepare. I've never really been around farm animals, or done the kind of work I'd be doing there, so it's not something I want just do on a whim.
I'm not as sure now, signing up for it is a bit more complicated than I thought, but they do have another next month, so I might do it then, when I have a little more time to prepare. I've never really been around farm animals, or done the kind of work I'd be doing there, so it's not something I want just do on a whim.
I used to buck barley on a ranch. Animals are big but they love to eat and love people that feed them almost as much. I had this bull that hated me until I brought him some carrots and sugar cubes. After some treats I'd Just give him a big hug around the neck and walk him where ever he needed to be. Just never stand in front or behind them.
Mark Twain said something to the effect of “If you give a dog food and shelter it will not bite you. This is the principal difference between dogs and men.”
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man. -Mark Twain
Some of Samuel writings I assume have a political context inspired by his brother Orion who was Lincoln's AG and latter appointed Secretary to the new government of the Territory of Nevada.
Damn, the March volunteer orientation is the same week I already have two doctors appointments, and I don't drive and I can almost guarantee my mom is not going to want to have run around that much.
But they do these every month, so I can always try April. If anyone is curious here's the rescue, Freed Spirits Animal Rescue.
I really do want to do this eventually, it's just a matter of finding the right time.
Has Peters ever given even an approximate number of how many people have donated over the years? Or how much that number has gone down as we've gone 8 years without a movie? I'm imaging at this point he must be down to just the hardcore obsessives who are convinced he's the only one who can save the franchise.
No more Viacom, CBS? it's all been reorganized under the name of Paramount
Their quarterly report showed subs are up, profits way down. Knocking the stock price down 22% near 52 week lows.
There may be some cost cutting in their near future. Hard to say, large studio corporations rarely disclose winning and loosing projects until way latter.
Perhaps Peters can lend some advice. (Kidding)
I wonder how many shows and movies it would take before he thought they were doing something with it?
A note I wrote 10 years ago.

Dave Mac

Have you ever considered that out there, somewhere is a Klingon, putting pen to paper writing futurist episodes about his Empire venturing into space to do battle in their mightily warships against a fictional race called the Humans?
Thanks to fan films. I was actually able to make one into a short film a few years back. A bit shorter than intended. thanks to "he who remains nameless".
Spirit in the Star is on youtube,
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Something that's a bit of an about-face (and that I'm glad to see) is Sean Tourangeau (sp?) is now apparently back in the good graces of the powers that be - his Luna class model made it into the Season 2 opener for ST: Picard (and by extension, is now canon).

Hopefully after getting mixed up with LFIM and then getting blackballed like he did, this means he's back in good standing.