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Cantina for sale!


Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
Hasbro's latest quasi-crowdfunding mega-toy project has been unleashed and it's a glorious Star Wars cantina diorama/playset.

The way this works is, you pay now and, assuming there are enough backers, the project will move forward into production and you'll get your high-end, high quality toy about a year later.

It comes with three figures with three more promised if it passes certain stretch goals. The figures include the fan favorite Tonnika sisters, who have never been created before in plastic.

Previous successul "Haslab" campaigns have been for Jabba's Sail Barge, Mando's Razor Crest and, most recently, The Ghost, as seen on "Rebels" and, briefly, "Ahsoka."

This set looks terrific and like a must for any collector of SW 3.75" action figures.

There have been some cranks on the internet (shocking!) criticizing it for not, I dunno, having a roof so you can cover the whole thing up and not see into it. Which seems a bit silly.

But I've back one and may buy a second before the campaign ends, which is two weeks away.

The more backers, the more free figures we get! The progress has been a little slow, though there's always a massive surge near the end of the campaign. Will it be enough to unlock the additional figures? Time will tell!

But if this is in your collecting wheelhouse, go get it!
Last day to buy this! Don't miss your chance or it'll be gone FOREVER!

Campaign ends at midnight Eastern!
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