Bob The Skutter Memorial Thread

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Romulan Curmudgeon
Hello fellow posters. I have the sad task of annoucing the passing of one of our members, who passed away on Sunday.

You knew him as Bob the Skutter, but his real name was Kevin. I always thought of him as Bob though and would have to correct myself. He was married to one of our former moderators, RevdKathy. One of the nicest persons on the board married another of the nicest.

Kev always had delicate health and on Friday, he had an episode that landed him in hospital. He was transferred to a hospital with more expertise. But his condition deteriorated and he went into surgery.

He didn't make it. And his loss is a big loss for us. He was one of my favorite people on the BBS. He was always kind, even in TNZ, and witty and funny and sharp.

I've started a memorial thread in QSF. Go there and find it. It will be pinned.

And while you're at it, say a prayer for Kathy. We've lost our friend but she's lost her husband.

Thread in QSF:
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