BBS Announcements

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Hope, I'm terribly disappointed in you... I would have never though that you, of all people, would have followed this trend in reving dead threads...

Bad Hope...
Originally posted by Rob Hal:
Hope, I'm terribly disappointed in you...

Oh please forgive me Master Rob, but I could not resist. This thread was just too interesting. Or at least I thought it was, and I didn't think it fair to keep this wonderful thread hidden.

Bad Hope...

Spank me till Tuesday, I promise to be really bad if you do.
I look forward to having you around and hearing what you have to say in matters here at TrekBBS DEA. Have fun.
This is a surprise, I always though DEA to be the evil Admin
along with Lisa and ofcourse Christian.
Anywany, congrats to DEAverification. He is a mod that I have grown to respect based on his maturity and balanced attitude. Good luck

"I am a hyperopic, broad-minded, intelligent, fanatical, militant and evil Enterprise fan"-G.A.T

[This message has been edited by Grand_Admiral_Thrawn (edited July 19, 2001).]
Damn it!!! Stop opening old threads in the announcement forum!!!!!!!!

This should be a very bannable offense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Damn it!!! Stop opening old threads in the announcement forum!!!!!!!!

This should be a very bannable offense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Calm down... I don't agree with you, but you can always bring this up in the "Questions, Suggestions & Feedback" Forum.
^To be honest, I've quite enjoyed reviewing the archieves and seeing BBS history so to speak - I found the RQ thread quite interesting.

Assistant Deputy Backup Courier Level Four, Captain of The Lexx.
Originally posted by Flo'dem'pra:
^To be honest, I've quite enjoyed reviewing the archieves and seeing BBS history so to speak - I found the RQ thread quite interesting.

There's no real need to bring it up after about a year though.

Cogito ergo sum. Does this mean that if I don't think then I don't exist?

The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
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