Bad Language in Discovery

I really don't give a shit about them saying fuck on Star Trek. My issue was how awkward the scene was filmed, Tilly says "this is really fucking cool" or whatever the line was and everyone just stops and stares at her for a moment, which mainly served to emphasize that this is the franchise's first F-bomb. "Hey guys, our first F-bomb in fifty years. Bask in it."

That's not how the scene played to me. That's Tilly's exuberance getting the better of her, as it so often does, and then Stamets cutting her some slack. It was a nice character moment.
I think most people consider the JJ stuff to be its own thing separate from the rest of Trek (and to be fair they sort of did that themselves on purpose).

Most people really don't. The biggest amount of Star Trek fans just LOVE Star Trek. The people not liking the Kelvin Universe are just more vocal.




Most people really don't. The biggest amount of Star Trek fans just LOVE Star Trek. The people not liking the Kelvin Universe are just more vocal.




I shouldn't say "most"......

What I mean is that it's basically a new universe where as the PT has 700 hours of people basically not swearing.
"Damn it, Jim . . .. "

"If I were human, I would tell them . . . go to hell. If I were human."

And do we seriously think that Scotty never swore at a stuck plasma manifold? He was a gruff Scottish engineer, not a delicate flower. :)
This series is not made for 8 year olds and I don't say this because of the word "fuck". I find swear words really harmless to be honest. Kids will hear them either way in school and elsewhere. But the graphic violence and gore is really nothing for little kids. The series is really dark and even the nicest characters are kind of grey. No typical hero characters in sight. There are so many series made specifically for children. Why not let the children watch those instead? Why must it be a series which is clearly made for adults?
I really don't give a shit about them saying fuck on Star Trek. My issue was how awkward the scene was filmed, Tilly says "this is really fucking cool" or whatever the line was and everyone just stops and stares at her for a moment, which mainly served to emphasize that this is the franchise's first F-bomb. "Hey guys, our first F-bomb in fifty years. Bask in it."

Agreed. If one curses just for the sake of cursing, that's annoying. If once curses because there's a specific reason to do so, then that's fine. Even a curse-filled show like South Park understands this.
I understand especially with the family thing and kids, but I kind of like it. This is how real people tend to talk, so it's kind of refreshing. In TNG and the other series, the way the characters talked or expressed themselves always seemed bland and safe. Too perfect in a way.

It makes the characters seem a little more real and relatable.
No, it was because she was in a professional work environment, it also came out of nowhere.

I think it's because Tilly is an intentionally annoying character and such a silly stereotype of a socially awkward person that they thought it would work. It didn't.
Really loving Discovery so far. I've been a fan of Trek since 1966 (I was all of 10 years old!) and was delighted when the new series began. Only 1 gripe. Is it really necessary to use language that I wouldn't use around younger fans? (Or anyone for that matter) My son (now 35) has grown up with a Trek dad and now his boy (8) is also being inducted into the Federation and all it's adventures. We were both very disappointed when an 'F-bomb' was dropped the other evening whilst watching with our cadet. I don't think I'm being prudish and I know "language" is heard everywhere but really..... It does nothing for the plot apart from lowering things.
What do my other Trek fan friends think?

Um, if you were a fan since '66, you'd know that Kirk said the equivalent in "City...".

Nothing to see here, folks.
What's everyone complaining about? STD has lots of issues, the word "Fuck" is not one of them.
It was fucking cool to hear fucking cool in Star Trek.
More concerned with a bit of nudity and mild titillation than with violence. I'm betting you're American. ;)

Nope, you're overlooking the context.

For my own purposes, I'd be more concerned with violence than sexuality - the latter is a natural and healthy part of life, the former is not, and I too am constantly baffled by the odd standards applied.

However, the issue here is an 8-year-old watching, and a child of that age is generally much better able to contextualise and understand violence than sexuality.

Either way, both are more of an issue than a swear word.
That's not how the scene played to me. That's Tilly's exuberance getting the better of her, as it so often does, and then Stamets cutting her some slack. It was a nice character moment.

That's exactly how the scene played for me too.

And if they did "bask" in the f-bomb moment for a few seconds, I'm more than happy to let them have that moment. :lol:
Count me as another who loved the scene and how well it showcased both Tilly's excitement to be useful (and accepted) and Stamets' joy at finding people who actually love science like he does.