Bad Language in Discovery

Such a constructive post that really adds more nuance and dimension to this discussion....

You're right. I'd like to add that I didn't enjoy their use of the word either, but not for the same reason as OP. I believe this is the first time Trek has dropped it, and it's no surprise to me that Discovery was the one to do it. This is a show that continually tries too hard to be cool. And what's cool these days? Heavy serialization, dark themes, dark rooms, gore and violence, lots of action, lots of CGI, steamy sex scenes (coming I'm sure), plot twists (Voq hmm), guessing who's next to RIP, and yes swearing. So of course it went there. But it hadn't earned it. It didn't feel right, it didn't feel organic. It felt like another "How do you do, fellow kids?" to let folks on social media bust out their favorite Trek reaction GIF in response.

Star Trek would ideally be the opposite of a Pixar film: catered to adults, but enjoyable for children as well. But that means focusing on what makes Trek great: exploration, adventure, optimism, and people one can admire and aspire to be. And that's just not what a show like Discovery is. If you think a few curse words are why you can't watch this with the kids, you're wrong.
You're right. I'd like to add that I didn't enjoy their use of the word either, but not for the same reason as OP. I believe this is the first time Trek has dropped it, and it's no surprise to me that Discovery was the one to do it. This is a show that continually tries too hard to be cool. And what's cool these days? Heavy serialization, dark themes, dark rooms, gore and violence, lots of action, lots of CGI, steamy sex scenes (coming I'm sure), plot twists (Voq hmm), guessing who's next to RIP, and yes swearing. So of course it went there. But it hadn't earned it. It didn't feel right, it didn't feel organic. It felt like another "How do you do, fellow kids?" to let folks on social media bust out their favorite Trek reaction GIF in response.

Star Trek would ideally be the opposite of a Pixar film: catered to adults, but enjoyable for children as well. But that means focusing on what makes Trek great: exploration, adventure, optimism, and people one can admire and aspire to be. And that's just not what a show like Discovery is. If you think a few curse words are why you can't watch this with the kids, you're wrong.

I see your points. Although I understand why people feel this way, I also feel that tv and movies change over the decades, and that if this show was made exactly like, for example, TNG it would feel totally out of place in today's style.

However, there is also personal preferences. And if someone doesn't like to hear the word fuck on a tv show, that's cool.
if this show was made exactly like, for example, TNG it would feel totally out of place in today's style.

You mean like The Orville? It seems someone thought there's a market for that.

This is a show that continually tries too hard to be cool.

Perfect way to distill the show down to one thing. It definitely comes across as too "try-hard".
You mean like The Orville? It seems someone thought there's a market for that.

Dunno, haven't seen The Orville. Seems to much like a show that tries to hard to be funny. And I'm Dutch, we don't have any channels that air it here.
Really loving Discovery so far. I've been a fan of Trek since 1966 (I was all of 10 years old!) and was delighted when the new series began. Only 1 gripe. Is it really necessary to use language that I wouldn't use around younger fans? (Or anyone for that matter) My son (now 35) has grown up with a Trek dad and now his boy (8) is also being inducted into the Federation and all it's adventures. We were both very disappointed when an 'F-bomb' was dropped the other evening whilst watching with our cadet. I don't think I'm being prudish and I know "language" is heard everywhere but really..... It does nothing for the plot apart from lowering things.
What do my other Trek fan friends think?

I am glad they are finally talking like adults, swearing and all.
Ha ha bad language we are lucky that there is no complaint about the Gay couple (ship docter and Lt. Paul Stamets) at Discovery. Atleast progress is made on the side.
Really loving Discovery so far. I've been a fan of Trek since 1966 (I was all of 10 years old!) and was delighted when the new series began. Only 1 gripe. Is it really necessary to use language that I wouldn't use around younger fans? (Or anyone for that matter) My son (now 35) has grown up with a Trek dad and now his boy (8) is also being inducted into the Federation and all it's adventures. We were both very disappointed when an 'F-bomb' was dropped the other evening whilst watching with our cadet. I don't think I'm being prudish and I know "language" is heard everywhere but really..... It does nothing for the plot apart from lowering things.
What do my other Trek fan friends think?

Was this worse than "SOB" being thrown around gratuitously in almost every other episode of ENT?

Honestly, I found it both charming and refreshing. It added a welcome touch of humor and humanity to a rather heavy dose of technobabble, and showed us a lighter side of Stamets as well. .

In other words, I thought it was fucking cool. :)

And basically the 21st-century version of Kirk saying "Let's get the hell out of here" back in the sixties.
I've not let the kids watch because of the violence and themes are a little much, but they hear fuck in the playground, supermarket, and even in the car if I'm listening to Radio 4. So long as I can protect them from hearing it in Liverpool, with dare fooking dis and dare fooking dat, I think I can cope.
I'm not sure what the problem is. Swearing has been in Star Trek since The Voyage Home:

GILLIAN: You're not one of those guys from the military, are you? Trying to teach whales to retrieve torpedoes, or some dipshit stuff like that?
KIRK: No, ma'am. No dipshit.

Also, ST09:

KIRK: Wha... oh, look... uh, I don't know you.
SPOCK PRIME: I am Spock.
KIRK: Bullshit.

Also Into Darkness:

MCCOY: Four. Three.
CAROL: Shit!
(She rips out the whole mechanism. The torpedo opens at 2.57 seconds.)

MARCUS: Well, shit. You talked to him. This is exactly what I was hoping to spare you from.

SCOTT: Where is he?
KIRK: Shit.
KHAN: This way.

AND Beyond:

SPOCK: The forced optimism of your voice suggests
you are trying to enlist a sense of calm in order to...
MCCOY: Cut the horseshit

MCCOY: They say it hurts less when you feel surprise
SPOCK: To use a language which we're familiar: I can confirm your theory to be horseshit.

We're only now fussing about it becuase... why? It's fuck instead of shit?
We're only now fussing about it becuase... why? It's fuck instead of shit?
I think most people consider the JJ stuff to be its own thing separate from the rest of Trek (and to be fair they sort of did that themselves on purpose).

Gillian did say that in STIV but Kirk treated such language as a bit of of a curiosity and she was technically the old timey human in that story.

Data also said "shit" in Generations which to me felt really forced and only done for a laugh line.

In the case of this show it just felt like they wanted to justify their rating. It was still strange to hear it (and I say that word all the time). When you go 700 hours without ever really hearing words like that it just becomes part of the fabric of that universe (like saying frak in BSG).
As a non-American, I can tell you the rest of the world still kinda snickers a bit when you guys can buy guns in a friggin supermarket but freak out about the fucking fuck word. Let alone two men kiss!!!

Two women though is awesome appereantly, because hot lesbians are marketable.....
I really don't give a shit about them saying fuck on Star Trek. My issue was how awkward the scene was filmed, Tilly says "this is really fucking cool" or whatever the line was and everyone just stops and stares at her for a moment, which mainly served to emphasize that this is the franchise's first F-bomb. "Hey guys, our first F-bomb in fifty years. Bask in it."