Babylon 5

^ Wow… I never knew they made Star Fury models. Might have to look for one, although I’m sure they’re hard to find and pricey.

As Forbin says, that particular one was 3D printed. There was an official Starfury kit in 1/72 scale, which is not beloved in terms of quality. There was also an official B5 station model, which I think was a bit worse. I'd kind of like to take a second bite at that one, myself. There are only a handful of pieces and missing decals that could be replaced with more finely-detailed alternates that would improve it (I've seen some photo-etch details, which would be great for the too-thick solar panels, but I'm thinking of the neck where, on the kit, the Cobra Bays are molded into one thick blob, and the forward end of the docking bay, which despite being the size of a coin could probably support some fine detail). Same with doing a conversion to make Babylon 4, which I don't think I've ever seen done.
Star Furies are pretty big, I think. Here's a 3D printed model kit that claims to be 1/48 scale, next to a Spitfire and a P-38 in the same scale:


Image not working here
The scale of sci-fi small craft is a little funny c considering how much it depends, at least on TV, on whether they’re building the full thing in real life or not. BSG’s Vipers and Raptors, SGA’s Puddle Jumpers, and most Trek shuttles are barely bigger than the people inside them, and look tiny compared to real aircraft, while things like the Starfury and Runabout are a lot larger.

Star Wars throws off the average, but those are movies, so they have more money to throw around, and don’t need to anticipate moving their life-sized spacecraft to different sets and locations ten times a year for five years like a TV show does. They can build one full-sized Millennium Falcon and then remake the set around it if they have to.
That lightning is almost as wide...... The scale here really impresses me how big she is.

Not my photo.

That's Forbin's photo that was I suspect geolocked for the two of us in the southern hemisphere, which you complained about up-thread, so I did something about it. You're welcome.

In future, you push the reply button, and then the "bb code edit" button, which will reveal the broken url, and you chase that down to the source, or you can identify improper bb code, and fix it.
Last edited:
Not my photo.

That's Forbin's photo that was I suspect geolocked for the two of us in the southern hemisphere, which you complained about up-thread, so I did something about it. You're welcome.

In future, you push the reply button, and then the edit button, which will reveal the broken url, and you chase that down to the source, or you can identify improper bb code, and fix it.

OK...... I'll do that next time oops thinking it was your photo
I think the Starfury's comparable to the X-Wing and SA-43 Hammerhead, and the F-302's a little bit longer and Federation attack fighter dwarfs them all. The Starfury is 9.56 metres and apparently that includes the rear jet foils, which I'm guessing are those fins on the back.
Not my photo.

That's Forbin's photo that was I suspect geolocked for the two of us in the southern hemisphere, which you complained about up-thread, so I did something about it. You're welcome.

In future, you push the reply button, and then the "bb code edit" button, which will reveal the broken url, and you chase that down to the source, or you can identify improper bb code, and fix it.
It's because my host is GoDaddy, which is "unsecured," and TrekBBS won't always link to an unsecyred site. Aggrevating. :(
It's because my host is GoDaddy, which is "unsecured," and TrekBBS won't always link to an unsecyred site. Aggrevating. :(

In fairness, anyone running a website without an SSL certificate in 2024 is, well, asking for trouble, and most Web browsers will throw a warning asking users if they intend to proceed if a site says it's running unsecured.
In fairness, anyone running a website without an SSL certificate in 2024 is, well, asking for trouble, and most Web browsers will throw a warning asking users if they intend to proceed if a site says it's running unsecured.
Yeah, even my upload program asks first. But it's kinda odd that GoDaddy is unsecured when it's such a big, popular host.
A few years ago there was an article about Jason Carter, written by one of his sons. From memory, it detailed the effects of his traumatic brain injury. What I missed (and apologies if it's in this thread) was a follow-up/rebuke in February of 2023 via facebook. (Apologies for the wall of text, copy/pasted as-is from a secondary source.)

"Message from Jason Carter" (Posted to facebook) {Admin} I'd like to address something serious with you all, which Jason and I have been avoiding because we didn't want to give the slander more oxygen. However, now that it's being cited by ignorant but well-meaning fans as an attempt to explain Jason's absence from the B5 animated movie (which JMS has repeatedly and truthfully explained was purely due to budget), it is time to say something. There is an article that was published in December 2022 on Medium written by Jason's eldest son about something that happened to Jason when his son was only 5 years old - Jason's TBI (traumatic brain injury), which Jason has discussed with fans in the past and has never been a secret. In this article, Jason's symptoms and recovery are, regrettably, grossly exaggerated and in some cases completely misrepresented. Neither Jason nor his close family were consulted about the writing or publishing of this article, and we only found out about it this past summer. We were stunned. I will refrain from going into much detail here, as this is an issue to be sorted out privately, but we can only guess that this version of events was solely informed to his son via Jason's first wife, who has struggled with mental illness for decades (his eldest son has been historically public in his writing about the mental health struggles of both himself and his mother, so it is not something that hasn't already been disclosed). This fact is mentioned here only because Jason and I have tried in vain to understand the rationale or motivation behind the publishing, which initially felt insidious, especially with the use of a "clickbait" title and clear intention to attract as its audience as many fans of both Jason and B5 as possible.

Unfortunately, Jason's choice to not comment on the article has been seen by some as a testament to its veracity, therefore it is time to make it clear that it was published without Jason's consultation, approval, or consent. We will not engage in a point-by-point rebuttal, due to the fact that we believe it is important to respect the privacy of the others involved even if Jason's privacy is not given that same courtesy. However, please know that JMS was asked about it on Twitter, and his reply clearly refuted the article's negative claims about Jason's professionalism and temperament. On that note, it has been mentioned by JMS multiple times in the past that Marcus's death was planned in Season 5, but had to be moved to Season 4 - JMS had to wrap up all of his major plotlines because it was understood at that time that the series would not be renewed for a fifth season, so the article's assertion that Marcus was "killed off" specifically because of Jason's "behavior" is a complete fabrication (among many others, unfortunately).

Anyway, we would ask for your understanding in this matter, and if you see the article "My Dad Starred in a Hit TV Show with a Severe Brain Injury" posted by B5 fans then please take a moment to inform them, at the very least, that it is heavily biased. The author is a person trying to make sense of what he was told about his father from a source he trusts, and he believes that this information is completely true. One can understand all of this and still be hurt by that person's choice of actions. As Ambassador Kosh once said, "Understanding is a three-edged sword." The "truth" is ever-elusive, as we all only have our (not infallible) memories and our individually-colored perspectives, which we are absolutely entitled to. That being said, the choice to not seek out all possible sources about an event and a person before writing a piece such as this is rather negligent journalism that is better off in a private diary or journal rather than posted online where it can cause this sort of confusion and harm. Or maybe that's just a hot take. Either way, thank you for reading.

JMS added:
Jumping in for whatever clarity I can bring to this, and to reaffirm the truth in this posting. Though I had very little knowledge of Jason’s personal life (or really any of the cast) because I prefer to keep things on a professional level and not cross the streams, my experience of Jason as an actor was never anything other than sterling. Yes, he was high-energy (in sharp contrast with my own rather laconic style, which apparently amused him no end), and occasionally high-maintenance, but so were many other cast members and *that was the character he was playing, which is why we hired him in the first place.* If you’ve seen Marcus, you’ve seen Jason; if you’ve seen Jason, you’ve seen Marcus.

But we never had a problem with Jason on or off set. He was funny, professional, charitable, and always absolutely prepared. He knew his lines, he hit his marks, and he was flawless, which is why there are so few bits of him ever flubbing anything on the blooper reels.

And yes, had I known there would be a fifth season, which would have pushed the resolution of the Earth Civil War (and Marcus’ fate in that war) into season five, we would spent more time with his character. But I had a gun to my head saying “end this in season four” so I took the bullet for that, and so did Jason. That’s literally all there is to the story.

I haven’t seen Jason in a long while, and as usual don’t know much of anything about his personal life in this present moment, but I can say, with absolute crystal clarity, that while I worked with him, he was never anything less than a splendid human being. Anyone who says otherwise wasn’t there, doesn’t know, and can go eat a bag of dicks.
I'm trying to start another watch through of Babylon 5 but it only seems to stream for free on Roku TV and Roku TV is awful. It doesn't save your place and it has ad breaks mid sentence.