Arlene Martel (1936-2014)


Arguably The Best Poster Named cooleddie
The news just broke over the Web a short while ago that classic Trek and wider, more accomplished character actress Arlene Martel died today at the age of 78. She may always and forever be T'Pring to us here on this board and in the Trek fanbase, but she had a wide range of roles over the decades and was very friendly to and supportive of her fans, especially within the Trek community.

Rest in peace, good lady. You did well.
She was a very good actress, and such a lovely lady. Such a shame to see her star fade. May she rest in peace.
She actually had a background role in at least two classic Columbo episodes from the original run of that series but I didn't realize it was her for a long time. She's one of those actresses that was in a lot of the shows and films we've seen but we didn't go "Hey, that's T'Pring the Vulcan" until later on.
She appeared in a lot of TV in that period including Hogan's Heroes, Bewitched, Man from Uncle, Outer Limits, The Monkees, and I remember her mostly from The Twilight Zone. If you go to her website though, at the top it says, "T'Pring from Star Trek." I guess she did the convention circuit.

Really beautiful woman with a distinctive look.

I just watched a first season episode of The Six Million Dollar Man with Arlene Martel today. Her character worked for Interpol but was pretending to work for the bad guys. She was interrogating Steve by squeezing his neck. I chuckled because she couldn't get her nerve pinch just right. Rest in peace.
Which Twilight Zone was she in?

She did two. "What You Need" and "Twenty two." "Twenty Two" was about a woman staying in the hospital having recurring nightmares about a nurse taking her down to the morgue. Creeped me the hell out as a kid.
She was also in Battlestar Galactica ep. but she looked great as T'Pring. :weep:
I remember her in Battlestar Galactica. Starbuck got thrown into prison for smuggling, and when he told his fellow prisoners his name, her character asked him, "What sort of offense is 'Starbuck'?" Turns out, the custom on that planet was that prisoners' names were the crime for which they'd been locked up.