any possibility of Ron Moore writing for new series?

If Fontana and Gerrold hadn't been forced out, TNG would have been a very different show, and debatably considerably better.
Only if that debate was very short and ended with a consensus of "obviously not". @Shalashaska is right - TNG needed fresh blood and when it got it, it soared. It no more needed the writers of a twenty year old show than it needed the cast from one. The same is true now - you can't just get the writing team from TNG back, change the name of the Captain and expect new stories for a 2016 audience. Fuller and Meyer are hardly spent when it comes to Trek ideas, having only done a few stories each, but no regular staff writers from the old shows please. I'd much rather they pinch from successful modern streaming shows.
My guess is he will probably contribute with a script here and there but I doubt he joins the regular writing staff full time.