Spoilers Andor season one

That headphone torture scene is very meme worthy. I bet we will see many versions of that. Baby Shark for sure.
That was really good. So Syril is a nut case right? Like completely out there. Not sure if he was always like that or he snapped because of the mess he caused. I hope Maarva rescues Bix and Cinta somehow becomes involved. Vel was a surprise. I think we know what will happen in the prison next episode. But I want to see Cinta's story more. She's one of the most committed.
Would have been the perfect time to introduce a fan favourite, Dr Ball M.D for the interrogation scene.
I wonder how long Meero is going to be cool with her assistant speaking up and taking initiative. She does not strike me as the kind of person that would appreciate that. Maybe she'll take Syril as a new "aid". Though he could just as easily get arrested and end up some prison as Andor.
Loved it. Holy frack it's dark. I love how it portrays the Rebellion not as a shinning light to all civilization but a complicated messy affair.
And Syril, poor crazy Syril with his poor crazy mother stalking the ISB. Who wants nothing to do with him.
I love how Deedra seems to channel Kirtan Loor.
And the prison....Holy f***
This series is so well thought out. Everything seems painstakingly well done, the framing of scenes, the sets, the writing and characters. Such a rich and fulfilling series in the most unexpected ways. Mon Mothma's story has me hooked on her.
Didn't Maarva mention making sure the tunnels were clear? I bet Bix will rescue herself through one of those.

Maarva's at home.

I was dreading them doing that. They'd done so well to limit the number of Leo pointing meme reactions. Replicating the shot of the closing door and officer walking off was a much more creative callback.

That was a cool reference. This show has been judicious about its use of references and connections, but when they're there, they're fantastic.
Syril seems like the type of person who will go rogue to prove himself to the empire and accidentally gets the rebellion going.
Or gets himself sacrificed in a way that will both demonstrate to the Rebels the need to be more vigilant and aggressive and to the Empire that the Rebellion is not to be trifled with despite pooh-poohing by some higher-ups that it's just bands of thieves and criminals.
Get the feeling Syril will find Andor after the prison break, and in his quest to bring him in to justice, will blunder into the ISB efforts that haven't noticed him yet, and collectively doom both Imperial efforts, by forcing Andor into the Mon Mothma's hands.
Another drab, dreary episode of Andor, complete with very little plot movement. Andor better fucking escape from prison in the next episode, I think this show has actually managed to beat Arrow for "Worst Prison Arc" in a TV show not specifically about a prison. The ISB stuff is still going nowhere, Bureaucrat guy still sucks and still has no point past his original attack on Andor, and I'm so sick of the Rebels being outright evil. I thought that Andor killing the Rebel and the Rebel general telling him to kill Jyn's Dad were two of the only shit scenes in Rogue One, but this show goes even farther, it would have you believe that the Rebellion we see in Episodes IV-VI was basically just filled almost exclusively with psycopaths except for the ones immediately surrounding Princess Leia/Luke/Han. The show is basically "Both sides"ing the Rebellion vs The Empire, and its fucking stupid.

I thought that Saw Gerrera works perfectly as being the leader of the Rebels who go too far in their fight, dragging the main Rebellion down like this show is doing not only renders him irrelevant but also makes no sense based on how the Rebellion is during the OT era.

Overall its another bad episode of the most tedious, pointless, and boring official Star Wars production.
but this show goes even farther, it would have you believe that the Rebellion we see in Episodes IV-VI was basically just filled almost exclusively with psycopaths

It is, as you say, showing that there are two sides. It is doing what Star Wars books, fan fiction, video games and the like have done for years-showing that not all the Rebels were pure good guys, and not all the Imperials were purely evil driven killers. There is a mix of people who will join up.

If you want Star Wars for the most simplistic, good vs. evil style storytelling, then you have to go with just the OT. Star Wars has been "both sidesing" factions since the PT, if not before.

Overall its another bad episode of the most tedious, pointless, and boring official Star Wars production.
Query: if it is pointless why watch it? What bearing does it have? By watching it doesn't that indicate it has a point?

Didn't that happen in "Rogue One"?
Rogue One definitely added that. But, the books were doing this long before.

I love the shock and outrage and horror expressed about the Rebels, as if Andor is doing something new. It is telling an interesting story that is mostly well crafted, but it's not a new idea in Star Wars.