Amok Time and the gay thing

Discussion in 'Star Trek - The Original & Animated Series' started by Plum, May 17, 2007.

  1. Plum

    Plum Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 28, 2004
    Out on the water...
    It wasn't too long ago I managed to catch Amok Time and the terrific new landscapes the CBS team created. I hadn't watched Amok Time in many moons, so it was a pleasure.

    I had three giant revelations watching.

    First. Written by Theodore Sturgeon.

    Second. the story. Spock has a mysterious sexuality he keeps "in the closet" and is even frightened about talking of it to Kirk, his closest friend.

    Third. Written by Theodore Sturgeon.


    Trekkie fandom has always had a small core of gay fans, and I don't mean just for the k/s fiction from the 70s. I wonder if the gay community picked up on Amok Time and it's themes? Has theodore sturgeon commented on the script ever?

    Thanx in advance Trek history lovers. :)
  2. GodThingFormerly

    GodThingFormerly A Different Kind of Asshole

    Jul 10, 2002
    An "American" in Friedrichshafen, Deutschland
    Are you suggesting that Theodore Sturgeon was gay? :confused:

  3. Plum

    Plum Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 28, 2004
    Out on the water...
    as far as I know.
  4. Admiral Buzzkill

    Admiral Buzzkill Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 8, 2001
    Certainly love and sexuality in all its variations were themes pervasive in Sturgeon's work, and that's fully evident in "Amok Time" - a tv story whose plot is entirely driven by sexual issues written at a time when none of the characters are even allowed to use the word "sex" on screen:

    I wouldn't be surprised if the show has been interpreted as dealing with homosexuality by some folks; I think that Sturgeon's working more directly with the theme of cultural repression of sexuality generally.

    As for Sturgeon being gay...well, not that I've heard. He had sexual relationships with women throughout his life.
  5. Plum

    Plum Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 28, 2004
    Out on the water...
    Mmm, considering the times, and the mini-skirts, it was definitely a theme in the culture then. Homosexuality was still a very taboo thing then, still very underground I imagine.

    It's great to get a perspective that remembers the times, thanks. Helps to put things into it's own time and context. Rewatching Amok Time as someone who is now familiar with Theodore Sturgeon my mind just had to marvel at how complex Trek can be at times. And hey, the 7 year itch/Pon Far thing? Of course, this might be a Gene rewrite as Sturgeon's script was quite different from the one shot I hear.

    I've been googling a bit but can't find any words from Sturgeon about the ep.
  6. Duane

    Duane Captain Captain

    Jun 3, 2006
    Chiang Mai, Thailand
    This is just another thread that reminds me how unique and groundbreaking TOS really was. If we compare it to other series on the air at the time (and even now), it is hard to find such a thought provoking TV program.

    I'm sure we all know that the huge fan response to Nimoy's portrayal of Spock was a major factor in having his character featured in the first episode of the second season.

    I have never figured out why his character did not evolve in the third season. Even Nimoy has commented that third season Star Trek was not very good, and especially for the character of Spock.
  7. Adm_Drake

    Adm_Drake Ensign Red Shirt

    May 8, 2007
    I never thought as Amok Time being a gay episode. But I have noticed that when Spock admits his "problem" to Kirk, the Captain discreetly glances at Spock's crotch. "There's nothing to be embarrased about Mr. Spock (hmmm, I wonder how he's put together down there!). The birds and the bees do it."
  8. BriGuy

    BriGuy Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 29, 2001
    Pittsburgh, PA, USA
    "Sex" wasn't the issue here. Spock wasn't looking for a good time. This was about reproduction - hardly a "gay" issue.
  9. Admiral Buzzkill

    Admiral Buzzkill Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 8, 2001
    You mean "recreation wasn't the issue." Spock's sexual nature and behavior most certainly was.
  10. Lee

    Lee Commander Red Shirt

    Oct 17, 2004
  11. Sir Rhosis

    Sir Rhosis Commodore Commodore

    Nov 17, 2001
    Cincinnati, OH
    My take has always been that Sturgeon was straight but sympathetic to all forms of love and sexuality. A man far ahead of his times in this and many many other respects.

    Sir Rhosis
  12. The Squire of Gothos

    The Squire of Gothos Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 24, 2001
    Northern Ireland
    See, it always puzzles me why people can't assume this in the beginning :confused:

    Perhaps the episode was about puberty and all that. Kirk as the father figure, Spock the son who was experienced in many ways except for sexual intimacy. Um, it sort of breaks down after that, I didn't have to try and kill my Dad for my first shag :p Maybe it was a story about a man taking his son to a prostitute to lose his virginity. Bones, um, kindly uncle?
  13. Plum

    Plum Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 28, 2004
    Out on the water...
    Hahaha, well, that version I'd watch too! :lol:

    And thanks for joining us on "I take everything literally" TV. Prises at the door.
  14. Hofner

    Hofner Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    May 8, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    A deleted scene shows Kirk finding a bunch of Vulcan girly magazines under Spock's bed.

  15. Nebusj

    Nebusj Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 27, 2005
    I forget whether it was Damon Knight or Robert Heinlein who explained it quite precisely: love is the great theme Sturgeon found most interesting, and he wished to write about it to some extent in pretty near any story.
  16. Ronald Held

    Ronald Held Vice Admiral Admiral

    Feb 21, 2005
    On the USS Sovereign
    I have no understanding of this thread.
  17. Plum

    Plum Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 28, 2004
    Out on the water...
    No girlfriend eh?
  18. Valin

    Valin Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Feb 5, 2003
    Helium, Barsoom
    On a very special episode of "Spock at 15."
  19. MaxBingman

    MaxBingman Commodore Commodore

    Sep 3, 2006
    Ocala, FL
    Since Spock's the ultimate outsider, its cool that the gay community can take some "ownership" of him. I have no idea if it was intentional or not with Amok Time, but its a valid interpretation. Personally, I always thought this one was targeted and teenagers in their awkward adolescences. We all feel like Spock now and then, really.
  20. voggmo

    voggmo Commodore

    Sep 9, 2004
    "A man far ahead of his times in this and many many other respects."

    Or one could argue a very backward man, as open acceptance of homosexuality is found in Greek & Roman times of antiquity.